Saturday, October 26, 2013

How can I make a backup of my DVD movies?

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I have a new PC tower with a 16X Double Layer DVD burner. Windows XP Pro. Want to make burnt DVD's of my movies for a backup, that will play in any regular TV DVD player. Thanks!

I'd probably go to and get a free DVD ripper. Although most ones will have limitations, it's not that bad but unless you want to pay, you don't have many other choices. By the way, is this to make backups, or "backups" ;-)

How do I rip a DVD unto my computer and then convert it to Ipod format?


I have windows XP with media player and I have itunes. I can't figure it out if you could explain how to burn it and then how to convert it would be great thanks!

haha, you do not need to burn it, what you need is a DVD ripper!
i know this Leawo Free DVD to iPod Converter must can help you.
here is what you need to do to put ur DVD on yo ur iPod
1,download and install this freeware from here on their site
2, open this software and put ur DVD into the computer
3,click load DVD
4,set(i dont change anything usually)
5,click start then wait till finish
6,put what you got into ur iPod then you can play it in the iPod!
it is very easy right? wish can help!

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What are the pros and cons on the Kyocera Slider Sonic?

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I just received the Kyocera Slider Sonic and want to know the what's good about and what's not. Please notice that I didn't say the Kyocera Slider Sonic Remix.

free video programs from for slider !and i have ripped in pixars cars movie and any other dvds i own to it using free software from such as the acala dvd to 3gp also theres .fla to 3gp for free too which allows me to download any video formats from you tube,goolgle video,ifilms from best tube free! so it is a muti-media player!purchase a 1gb micro sd! i have a 2gb but 1gb is wasted as it supports 1gb which will hold 3 two hour movies and still have storage for your mp3 song files!your mp3all music file will store 231profiles .wma format and still have room for music videos and full dvd movies(having a little trouble ripping adam sandlers "click")but i've gotten all 3 fast and furious and other movies also acala dvd to 3gp ripper was free @cnet as 2.32 vers.but if you browse acala they will upgrade it free to vers.2.48 which rips macrovision protected movies!too cool all for free ENJOY!!(exception so far the movie CLICK!)reviews state "wimpy ear buds"i gotta agree but if you get the 2.5mm to 3.5mm headphone track controller!watch out!!i like loud music!but using better headphones jacked into the slider wow what a difference!!( im using phillips 3d surround sound ear buds!!)its nice to say the least i listen to ska punk so i like it loud and it more than rocks!the phone comes profiled with 3 sound settings so that could have caused low sound output and bad reviews like the setting to protect your ears!im not joking theres a setting! its a smart phone and mini pda it has a built in pda asst.!plans start at $6.99 a month! for $99bucks your stealing it!mobi offers steaming tv service!did i mention its straight out sleek'sexy

I would like to know is the Sony Blu-ray 3d surround sound is the best flat screen speakers to buy?


or what is the best speakers for the flat screen TV.

When buying a speaker, you should demo them first at your local retail store. Here are some brand to look for: Definitive Technology, Energy, JBL, Infinity, Klipsch and Polk Audio to name a few. Sony is not the best on surround sound. Go online to Home Theater Magazine and read the reviews on just about anything you are interested in. Sony has a poor customer service support and they are not a very dependable product. I never had any Sony tv (2 first HDTV in the market price $6,400 34" CRT tv and a 32" CRT), DVD player (2 both priced at over $1,100 when they first came out) and they did not last more than 3 years. Hope this will help you out.

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Monday, October 21, 2013

does anyone know how to get a dvdr dis to play on other dvd players?

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I am working with a magnavox dvd player/recorder mwr 10D6 and am using it to record church services by camera. After I finish recording the service on a blank dvdr disc, I remove it from the player and put it in my laptop afterwards, and I get a message saying the disc is blank (which is something I see as odd because it has video burned to it). The remote for this player has no finalize button. Does anyone know how to fix this?

If you wanna make a DVD that will work on a standard DVD player, you will need a DVD burning tool to do this. Just copy the movie to a DVD disc, it will actually not read by DVD players.

The best and most reliable DVD burning tool that I've ever used is a tool called DVD Creator. It's able to burn all kinds of videos to DVD disc. After that, you can view the DVD on DVD player. It also lets you edit videos and create DVD menus. Easy to use and professional.

You should really give it a try. You may check out at:

Best of luck.

Should I keep my analogue dvd player or buy a new one?


Is it worth keeping my analogue dvd player/recorder which I will have to connect to a set top box or buy a good new dvd player/recorder?
I want everything that I have to be functional and enjoying what technology has to offer. I also have a dvd player with surround sound, an older stereo system with record player that I want all connected and working. Is this possible?

Replace your set-top box with a DVR. It should not cost much more per month.

Plan to get rid of your "dvd player with surround sound" because these $299 box systems are disk players - thats all. It wont take sound from your set-top box, or your HDTV. We get 20+ questions per week around here from people who bought these - then discover what they gave up for the low price.

Connecting Everything: Yes - it's possible but you need a few new devices.

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Sunday, October 20, 2013

How can a 120 Mhz refresh rate make a picture clearer?

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Aren't we breaking laws of physics? A television camera scans at 60 Mhz, then sends out the signal to television sets. No matter how fast the refresh rate is on the television, you cannot reproduce a picture clearer than what the camera photographed, right? I do not understand all the hoopla about televisions with fast refresh rates.

LCD manufacturers started increasing the refresh rates of LCD displays because of a perception of image blurring during fast motion. There is more detailed information about that, and how much it actually helps, here: .

Another reason is that motion pictures are filmed at 24 fps (frames per second). The standard refresh rate for TVs in the U.S. has been 60Hz. To prepare 24 fps material for video display (such as on DVD), components of the image are repeated, so that film material can be stored at 30Hz for video. This way a TV can get frames that divide into a whole number for correct display and timing (60/2=30). The problem is that detail is sacrificed somewhat to create the illusion of 30 from 24 (the extra frame data is an approximation, and not original material).

Blu-ray discs can preserve the structure of 24 fps film by encoding the video at 24Hz. If you have a 60Hz Tv, then the Blu-ray player will have to make up the intermediate frames to get an even number, because 60/24=2.5. But if you get a 120Hz TV, there is no need to create intermediate frames, because 120/24=5. So Blu-ray material can look sharper and more filmlike on a 120Hz TV than a 60Hz one.

With the increase in refresh rates, some TVs also incorporate motion processing. They are creating intermediate frames, not because they need to compensate for timing differences, but to create more fluid movement. They eliminate the cadence of 24 fps film and make movies look more like live video broadcasts. Technically the feature is independent of the refresh rate, but some manufacturers make it the default mode so that you have to look in the TV's menus to disable it.

3D material will also become available for home viewing, and refresh rates of 120Hz are considered the minimum to handle the display of stereo frame data.

Please recommend me the Best 3D TV for my family?

Kathleen B

Iâve been looking for a TV for my family and decided to buy a Full HD 3D TV since my kids love the animated movies. I researched and read many of the 3D TV reviews on the web. I learned there are active and passive 3D TV. What is the difference between those two? Does anyone know which one is better?

3DTV is a waste of money right now. It's still very expensive, and honestly the content just doesn't justify the prices. In addition, new technologies are due within the next few years that will make the whole 3d glasses thing obsolete.

Active glasses use an electric shutter to cover 1 eye and then the other. At the same time the TV only displays the image for the uncovered eye. This happens several times a second so your brain thinks it sees 2 separate images and combines them to form the 3d image. Active glasses are very expensive ($100/pair) and relatively fragile.

Passive glasses are like those you've used in the theater. The screen shows both images at once but the lenses are slightly polarized in different ways so each eye only sees a different image. Passive glasses are cheaper ($30) however you're essentially watching TV with sunglasses.

You then have to buy a 3D blu-ray player, and then 3D blu-ray movies. While the 3D blu-ray movies also come with plain old blu-ray and DVD versions, you're still looking at $40 for a movie.

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