Saturday, January 11, 2014

High definition DVD upconverting DVD player or Laptop?

best dvd upconverting player on Samsung 1080p Upconvert DVD Player at Best Buy Black Friday 2007
best dvd upconverting player image


So I have a couple of HD TVs and both of them have the VGA input. Now my question is, is it worth spending money on an "upconverting" dvd player that converts the normal dvds to HD and display them? My computer, when connected to the HDTV, displays in 720p resolution.

So the question is, does the computer do the same job as an upconverting dvd player, or should I invest into one.

It sounds like your HDTV's are 720P. You didn't say if your HDTV's have any HDMI ports.

I sometimes connect my laptop to the VGA port on my 720P HDTV and watch DVD's that way. My laptop senses the HDTV and will auto switch the resolution to 1280x720.

An upconverting DVD player, which I also have, will convert a 480i (or 480sd) output signal to 720i or 720p signal for output to your HDTV. You can see a difference in the quality of the picture.

I'm going to invest in either a HD-DVD or Blu-Ray dvd player later this year. If you decide to invest in a HD-DVD or Blu-Ray dvd player, check to see if it will also play standard DVD's (via upconverting circuitry). That way, you can still keep your standard dvd's.

Good luck and post your findings/decision here, ok?

Can anyone recommend a good upconverting DVD player?


I am planning to buy an LCD TV that supports 1080p. Should I buy a upconverting DVD player with 1080i or 1080p support since I heard 1080i is good enough.

Sure, at least until the industry sorts out all of the

formats. That's what I did. I own the Oppo DV-981HD.

Otherwise, you could consider the LG player that plays

both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray Discs if the high price is

not out of the question. A 1080i resolution is plenty

good enough for HDTV sizes of 37" or smaller.

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Friday, January 10, 2014

What food should I bring on an airplane?

best personal dvd players for kids on Portable DVD Players - Best Portable DVD Players - Good Housekeeping
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soso (:

So, my parents and I are going on vacation. We leave in 2 weeks, but the thing is the flight is about 14 hrs.
Also, what things should I bring on the plane with me to keep me occupied during the flight; like any books, magazines, etc?

-candy, sour patch kids, sour punch straws, chocolate bars, anything like that you enjoy.
-don't forget your gum! it will help you out with your ears popping and stuff.
-some chips, hot cheetos, pretzels maybe from schnider of hanover.
-cookies, brownies, danishes.
-fruit!apples, oranges, grapefruit.
-small packaged snacks crackers, like peanut butter and cheese crakers, or those tuna and crakers in a can..or anything!

To do:
-bring magazines and sharpies, or doodle on people in them.
-make signs or posters with your friends.
-write a short story, or a list of all you and your friends' inside jokes.
-ipod, laptop,portable dvd player.
-with a flight as long as yours i'm sure they'll have head sets, and head sets have tons of things, new movies, games from various sights, and music where you can create personal playlists and stuff like that.
-also don't forget headphones, you don't want to be stuck with crappy airplane ones!

What are some ideas to keep a one year old occupied on the plane?


Any ideas of toys or things I can bring to keep her from crying and being bored?

I'm a former Flight Attendant and I fly a lot with my three children.

With little ones, less is more. What does he like at home? Often simple toys work the best.

Not all of these tips are mine but some have worked for me as well;
-Something to write and draw on. My kids like those small Magadoodles and other erasable boards. Paper and chunky crayons work too.
-Stickers. Always a winner and with so many age groups.
-Pipe cleaners, although you want to keep an eye on him while he's twisting away.
-Play dough. Don't bring too much and don't make my mistake. Take fresh play dough. I had some sitting on the shelf a bit too long (saved especially for a flight) and we had crumpled bits all over the floor!
-Books, chunky books and those with flaps are especially appreciated.
-Small plastic toys, things with wheels work well but anything without too many small parts.

No toys which make *any* noise. Not even a little, quiet noise. Played over and over and over again, your fellow passengers will not appreciate it.

Bring at least one new thing she has never seen before. Give it to her at some point when she's bored. Works like magic. If it's a long flight, you may want to bring more than one.

I have a portable DVD player but only got it once my youngest was three years old. This is a great suggestion for older kids but the problem at this tender age is that they wont wear the headphones. You cannot play it through the speakers on the aircraft (unless there's no one else in your entire section). If you are connecting and have a long layover, it might be worth taking it for your wait.

If you already have one (don't buy one unless you have other ideas for it), experiment at home. Will she wear the headphones? Or will she watch it without sound? Either will work but it is a heavy item to drag along, if you're not sure it'll earn it's place in your carry-on bag. If you do, make sure you also have the recharger (in case of delays).

I do have to admit that the babies on flights who had their car seats were calmer and slept better. This is also much, much safer than having her in your lap and guarentees your car seat, if you need it at your destination, doesn't get lost and/or broken in the hold. Ask nicely for an extra seat if you didn't purchase one.

Just some other small tips;
-Bring a change of clothes
-Bring way more diapers than you think you'll need
-Learn to change her standing up (don't try to fit her on one of those tiny babychangers and toddlers hate to lie down in strange places)
-Wean her off the bottle if she's still drinking from one (easier said than done!)
-Bring an empty sippy cup to fill during the services. This will prevent spills in the air.
-Get up and move around with her but keep an eye out. Those carts the F/A's use are the perfect height for hiding little ones
-Bring extra socks to put over her hands if she mostly crawls. This will keep her hands clean and keep her from picking up nasties on the floor.
-Bring snacks. Don't fret security. I've never had anything taken away (yes, water but not snacks) and that's the only risk. If you have something not allowed, they simply remove the item. No scenes, no speeches, no arrests!
-Try to sit in a bulkhead seat so that there's no one in front of you
-Bring slippers, especially if you're not in the bulkhead!

For more information, about 9 years ago I wrote an article on this subject. It's based on both my personal and professional experience of flying with kids. It's totally non-commercial and other parents have contributed;

An edited version appeared on the Expat Women website in December;

Good luck and have a good flight!

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What are some things kids can do on a 24 hour road trip?

best travel dvd player kids on Ioannis Mariae Lampredi ... De Licentia In Hostem: Liber Singularis In ...
best travel dvd player kids image
Q. I am moving from PA to TX and I have 3 girls, ages 8, 5, & 3.
I have them a portable DVD player to watch movies on all the way there, but I need suggestions on some other things to get for them to keep them busy.

Go to the dollar store and get gifts for them each. Wrap them up. Give them one each every 1-2 hours but don't say when they'll get them bexause if you say you can have something at 3pm and they're throwing a tantrum then it won't work.

Stop every 3 hours to stretch legs even if nobody needs the loo.

Bring snacks like trail mix and raisins.

Play CDs of kids songs or stories

Give them each a notebook called "(their name)'s moving house" and let them use it how they want it can be used as a diary, scribble pad, etc

Print out a map of your journey for them each even if they don't use it it can be nice to know vaguely where you're going especially for the 8 year old.

Remember travel sickness tablets so they can read/draw/etc without getting sick

Bring pillows or headrests and their teddies so they can sleep

Suggest the older ones write letters to their friends (real or imaginary) telling them about the journey

Play I-spy with colours or shapes - "I spy something green" or "I spy something that's shaped like a triangle"

Word searches and colouring books

Kids joke book or book of useless facts

Nappies/diapers or pull up pants if needed, or if just potty trained

Any tips for traveling with a 2 year old?

Amy Y

We are about to take our first long trip with our soon to be 2 year old. She doesn't do well with even short trips in the car. It is a 9 hour drive, but we have decided to stop overnight half way, so it doesn't overwhelm her. Traveling at night is not an option either. Any ideas on stuff to keep her busy & in a good mood? We did buy a portable DVD player, but I'm sure that will only keep her busy for about an hr or so. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, as I am extremely nervous.

3. Wireless childrens headphones if you can afford it to prevent safe driving for you and entertainment and something "new" for the little one.
4. A very good spill proof cup, preferably the one with the snack bowl attached
5. Practice and skill in selective hearing.
6. Pull ups- accidents happen.

Sometimes there will be screaming. You will be on the road. It might come at the time when you are on the Highway. Pay no attention to it, block it out, focus on the road. Screaming does not exist until you are off.

You may get luckily and she will most likely sleep most of the way. Most kids do. Even on the train my son slept most of the time.

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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Can I bring my kid's gameboy & portable dvd player on a flight from the USA to Mexico?

best portable dvd players kids on ... Portable Home DVD Player 958 with Analog TV Games MP3 MP4 + Hot Best
best portable dvd players kids image


Are there any guidelines regarding bringing & using a gameboy & portable dvd player on a flight. Probably not using the dvd player just for transportation but definitely using the gameboy.

Thank you.

Yes but you can't use them on take-off and landing. Easier if you pack them before boarding and bring them out once in the air.

You didn't say the age of the child but make sure s/he is used to wearing the headphones and understands to keep them on for watching the movie. You might want to bring an extra set. Same goes with the gameboy. They make annoying noises so please make it clear to him or her that the sound is to be kept turned down while onboard. Special rule just for the flight!

Electronics can be lifesavers when flying with kids but please make sure they're juiced up and/or bring extra batteries. It's such a bummer for the kid when those gizmos run out and there's still a lot of the flight left. Usually you can't recharge them onboard.

As an extra tip, bring a brand new movie and/or new game and present them once you pull them out of the bag onboard.

For more tips on flying, I have a totally non-commercial article on the subject, originally written for an expat publication. Feel free to check it out.

Have a great flight!

What is the best recommend dual DVD portable player for car?


My husband and I are taking our kids to Disney in June, I was wondering we have been window shopping for portable DVD players for the car. Preferably a dual. But for some reason every dual dvd player that we have seen has terrible reviews from other people. Out of chance does anyone have or know of a great dual portable dvd player for the car that you can say works great and really recommend? Thanks in advance.

My wife and I are lalso taking the kids to Disney in June and I have been shopping for a dual dvd system. I know that as a norm, you get what you pay for but there has to be a decently priced sytem that has good ratings. Keep me updated please if make a decision and I will do the same.

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

How do I rip a DVD unto my computer and then convert it to Ipod format?

best dvd player software free xp on CinePlayer DVD Decoder Pack gratuit � t�l�charger, CinePlayer DVD ...
best dvd player software free xp image


I have windows XP with media player and I have itunes. I can't figure it out if you could explain how to burn it and then how to convert it would be great thanks!

haha, you do not need to burn it, what you need is a DVD ripper!
i know this Leawo Free DVD to iPod Converter must can help you.
here is what you need to do to put ur DVD on yo ur iPod
1,download and install this freeware from here on their site
2, open this software and put ur DVD into the computer
3,click load DVD
4,set(i dont change anything usually)
5,click start then wait till finish
6,put what you got into ur iPod then you can play it in the iPod!
it is very easy right? wish can help!

Can you recommend a good video player to replace Windows media player?

robert f

Can you recommend a good video player to replace Windows media player?

Needs to be free, and as good as Media player. Media Player is not playing all of my downloaded files, Iâm running XP and this is for downloaded files, not DVDâs movies.

I've tried tons of alternatives including all of the ones mentioned here (in the comments area) and i find these are the best, in order of importance, and the reasons why:

1. Gom Player

Why?: It seems these guys decided to look and steal the best of what makes the other players good and incorporate it into a very smart, clean interface. It can play some partial files but can't play some things like Vobs, and Bin files


2. Vlc Player

Why?: This is the granddaddy that can play ANY video file out there. It's user interface is GAWD-AWFUL (quite possibly the most annoying and developer abused tool when it comes to user interface ever). It is solely because it can play ANY movie file including ANY partially downloaded video file that makes it a very important part of video players. Besides that i have only bad things to say about this program.


3. Media Player Classic

Why?: This one was put together by a hacker team who was fed up with Microsoft and their half-arsed work on Windows Media Player and took the v6.0 Media Player and spruced it up BIG TIME. It has a lot of features and can play some partial files well,


For me i use ALL 3 of these ones together since each can do something the other cant. But Gom is the closest to being perfect. For you i recommend you get Gom Player and depending if you are a big p2p downloader i would also recommend u get Vlc Player too (to play partial movie downloads -- this program is incredible at that).

I also recommend you download and install the K-Lite Codec Pack..this will give you all the video codecs that you need to play ANY movies/videos that you come across without concern for cases like video runs but no audio, or vise-versa...

K-Lite Codec Pack Download Page:

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What's the best region free dvd player to buy?

region free dvd players best buy on Toshiba Bdx1300rf Region Free DVD and Blu-ray Player and Dynastar Hdmi ...
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I want to watch dvds from Europe, but I only have a region 1 dvd player...

Does anyone have any suggestions for a multi-region or region free dvd player?

PHILIPS DVP5960 - ALL REGION PAL / NTSC DVD PLAYER WITH HDMI, 1080i UPSCALING. DIVX ULTRA USB DIRECT $89.99 other models are available from $40.
Link with various models supplied.

Can anybody recomend a great region free DVD player?

Gregory E

I would love to find a good region free DVD player and I don't want to purchase it off the net. I hear you can get great ones from Target or Best Buy or Circuit City, all you have to do is punch in a region free code with your remote. Any help would be awesome!

If you google region free dvd player codes or similar a couple websites come up listing the players and the codes. I would use that and cross reference to the DVD player you like in the shop to work out which one you want.

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How d do I find compatible in Dash DVD player for Toyota Innova 2013 from India?

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How do I find compatible in Dash DVD player for Toyota Innova 2013 from India.
Looking lower priced models not the factory one.


will the portable dvd work in india where ac input is 220 v?


hi friends,
iam planning to buy Sony 7" Portable DVD Player - Black (DVPFX730) in US to take it to india.will it work there?and what about the DVDs we get in india,can i play those dvds in this player?time is short and i cant do much of research on this.thats why seeking your help.please help me.

1. you won't even be able to plug it in! you need a travel adapter for india. It will take care of the 220v issue.
2. probably not because India DVDs have a different region code (5) than US (1) and the region code has to match between the dvd and the player. most DVDs and players are region coded.

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Which gaming system is the best and why? Xbox 360, WII, or Playstation 3?

best dvd blu ray player 2012 on ... 1080p Portable Blu-Ray DVD Player | Portable Dvd Player Best Sellers
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I'm looking to buy a gaming system for mostly the purpose of excercise, family, and action games. I don't know anything about any of the systems.

Those three can be found in the Xbox Kinect. The Kinect lets you have the best experience of exercise.
For exercise, you have "Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012" and "UFC personal trainer".
For family, you have games like: Kinectimals, kinect adventures, kinect sports season 1 and 2, kinect joy ride, wipeout etc.
For action games you have Halo (Halo 4 coming soon), Star wars, Gear of Wars, rise of nightmares.

Review from an Owner of most popular consoles, should help you out on this decision:

The reasons for getting PS3 over the two other can be:

- Free online
- Blu ray DVD player
- Better for multimedia purposes.
- Best graphics.

While the reasons for getting Wii can be:

- The cheaper price tag
- Best for you if you are a casual gamer
- Family fun is there for sure.

What are all the features for the xbox 360 ( Free and paid)?

The Q&A Ma

Give the price of all paid one and all the possible options

Free, not too much. Xbox Live is not free, it's paid for. you also don't get wireless internet, only a cord. And that means if you want wireless, you'll have to buy a little network thing worth about $100. It can watch DVD's (I think, not sure)... that's about it...that i know of enough to tell you with certainty... Here's a comparison on why you should buy a PS3 tho... There will also be a $100 price drop, meaning it's the same price as the 360...

For One, the PS3 will last the longest for the next gen consoles that are out now:

Xbox 360 was made in 2005, they've already made a different version of it (Elite) so soon they'll have the next 360, more likely the 720, probably in 2010-2012 that's not very long 1-3 years of play
Wii- was poorly designed in 2006. They'll have to make the Wii 2 sometime soon, probably 2010-2012 as well.
Playstation 3- was made in the same year as the Wii, 2006. Sony designed it though to last for 10 years! Meaning it will still be around and popular in 2016.

The PS3 amazing. It has better reliability, can be turned into a PC and download Windows XP or Vista, or for free download Linux. For everything that it has, it is much cheaper then the Xbox 360, consider the following.
With the PS3, you get:
-A Blue-Ray player, and one of the best ones out so far. It is also considered new technology. If you don't have Blue-Ray players to start out with when buying the PS3, it also has a DVD upconverter, meaning that you can play normal DVD's with better quality picture.
-The PS3 also features PSN( the (P)lay(S)tation (N)etwork). It's free to use, and download demo's such as Warhawk, and Home. Unlike Xbox Live, it doesn't cost $80 for the first year bundle, and $50 for each following year.
-The PS3 has exlusives like no other console, like Resistance 2, LittleBig Planet, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Metal Gear Solid 4 and in the future: inFamous, Killzone 2, God of War 3, Uncharted 2, L.A. Noire, Heavy Rain and Massive Action Game (M.A.G.âin which over 256 players will be able to play on the same map at the same time)
-For the money, you get 80GB of space, and only 60GB on the Xbox 360, USB mini drives can also be used from the 2.0 USB ports in the front of the PS3. It also has an easily removable HDD.
-Built in, superior Wi-Fi
-Web browser, just like a PC's

On the Xbox 360's you get a 1 in 3 failure rate. Even though Microsoft knows of this problem, they don't even think about the red rings of death while shipping it out to unsuspecting customers

So hereâs a quick run-down of what you must buy with the PS3 and 360:

Console(there will be a $100 decrease in April 2009) $300
Game $60
Controller $55
Total: $415

Really, if you bought all the things the PS3 offers SEPERATELY, you would be able to buy roughly 3 PS3's with that money (gaming console+computer+SUPERB Blu Ray player)

Xbox 360:
Console $300
Game $60
Controller $60
Xbox Live $80
Wi-Fi $100
Total: $660

As you can see, the PS3 is cheaper by far and plus, The multi-platform games are using about 25% of the PS3's graphical potential. So that means much better graphics in the future when they can get a grip on the PS3's power.

On the other hand, most multiplatform games are using about 98% of the 360âs potential. And they look about the same. At this rate in 1 year, the PS3 will have outshone the 360 graphic wise. Itâs just that the 8-core Cell Broadband Processor is very complex, and takes developers time to get used to. And they are getting the hang of things. The PS3 has a very good reliability rate: only 0.2% failure rate (note the decimal), while Xbox 360's have a 30% failure rate. So, for every 1000 of both consoles produced, 2 PS3's are defective, whilst about 330 Xbox 360's are defective. The numbers speak for themselves. Many game developers have OPENLY stated that in the near future, and right now, they will use the PS3 as a lead-developing platform, and then they will port the games to the 360.

So pretty much, the PS3 wins hands down. It's the best system people have seen yet! The PS3 will also progress in the future, like it's downgraded because it was so good that other people couldn't afford it. So anyways hope I helped!

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Where can I purchase an inexpensive DVD player with only a couple of special features?

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I am looking to buy a DVD player only (not blu-ray or DVD VCR combo).
But I have an older TV that is not HD.
I am seeing technical terms like progressive scan, upscaling, and upconverting in my search for the DVD player I would like.

I am convinced that progressive scan is the way to go.
But upscaling and upconverting are words that seem to be used interchangeably. When I try to define those words, I find that upscaling seems to refer to being able to connect the DVD player to my older TV and having the DVD player refine and upgrade the image on the tv screen.

Upconverting seems to refer to being able to do the same thing, but with an HDMI connection from DVD and tv set.
I don't have HDMI on my tv so upscaling would probably work for me.

But what I am looking for is a DVD player that features upscaling, upconverting, and progressive scan. So far, I can't find any such DVD players that feature all three.

Does anyone know more about this and/or where I can find such a DVD player? I would like all three so that when I get a HD tv set with HDMI, my DVD player will work for it using the HDMI connection rather than what it would have to use with my current tv set.

Thanks and I hope someone can help me understand more about this.

Upscaling/upconverting and progressive scan are all only useful on HDTVs. A player that has these features will still work fine on an older non-HD set, since the player only uses these features on the outputs for HD (HDMI and component). Non-HD sets don't use HDMI and component, instead they use S-video or composite (yellow).

What this means is that you don't need to go crazy looking for a player without these features, because they aren't used when the player is connected to an older standard-def TV. And if you *do* buy a player with these features, if you ever get a new TV, you can take advantage of them, instead of having to also get a new fancier DVD player.

Here's more background on what the features do:

Upscaling and upconverting are the same thing. They take the lower-res DVD image and stretch it to have the same resolution as HD. This can make the DVD picture look a little better on an HDTV, but it still won't look great, because missing detail that never got onto the DVD to begin with, can't be recreated. And on a standard-def (non-HD) TV, upscaling/upconverting aren't useful at all, because the original resolution of a DVD is already standard-def.

Progressive scan means that all the lines in the picture out output in order from top to bottom, which is how HDTV signals are usually formatted. On the other hand, older standard-def used what was called interlaced scan, where first all the odd-numbered lines were output top to bottom, followed by all the even-numbered lines. This enabled the image to appear to be updated twice as fast, but the side effect was a slightly noticeable vertical jitter, which you can still see on some standard-def TVs. Progressive scan conversion on a DVD player takes the original interlaced scan signal and converts it to progressive scan, which can result in smoother movement when viewed on an HDTV. But since standard-def TVs can't use progressive scan at all, it's not of any benefit for them.

How do upscale conversion DVD players work?


I'm thinking of buying a new DVD player for my TV and I was wondering how these work.

They use a mathematical aglortithm to try and work out what should be in the extra pixels. Generally the picture quality from an upscaling DVD player will only be better if the technology in the player is better at upscaling and de-interlacing than the processing chip in the flat panel as it has to upscale to fit the higher screen resolution anyway.

Cheaper panels just do this by filling in with like pixels, like zooming into a photo in photoshop hence you can get a blocky looking picture viewing a standard def source.

One of the better chips at doing this in DVD players is DCDi by Faroudja. Look for the DCDi logo on the DVD players literature.

For a techincal explantion see this URL:

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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

How to install an overhead dvd player in the car?

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best buy dvd players for cars image

Nicole G

I am looking into buy a dvd player to put into my car. I was just wondering how to install it or about how much would it cost to install it? And where is the cheapest place to get 1?

you could find some items here
and you could also find the installation guide on this website

can i mount a portable dvd player to my car seat with non-adjustable headrests?


I don't have headrests that are adjustable and I am looking to buy a portable dvd player for the car but not sure if the holders or mounting straps they have, would work. Any ideas much appreciated!:)Thank You

Hi, Well i know that mounting straps work about 90% of the time, so..
Give it a go, if it doesnt work you could also velcro the back of the dvd screen to the seat, therefore it's removable,(doesn't attravt theives)
Efficient and should hold great!!
Might cost you a couple of dollars but hey, its a great alternative.


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How to run a dvd player off a comcast dvr cable box?

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dvd players best buy canada image
Q. I have the cable box run to the tv and can turn it on with no problem. I have the dvd player with all the right connections run to the cable box. I got my comcast remote to turn on the dvd player (as the aux option). But I don't know what button I'm suppossed to be hittting to change from watching the cable to watching a dvd. Any solution would be great.

The Motorola DVR from Comcast has all it's input connections turned off, those are open for the consumers in other countries who have to buy there DVR ( i.e. Canada) The only connections are available are the Composite out put (RGB) RCA, and the RF out, the eaithernet , USB, and Firewire ports are closed, (but there are some who have the Firewire ports open if you have the right drivers for your computer.

The USB ports do have power so you can have a usb light or USB fan (the motorola boxes get really really hot)

The best bet would to go wal-mart or another electronics store and get a system selector they are about 20-50 bucks and allow you to hook up to 8 devices to one RCA input

Can you use a DVD player as a disc drive?

Dominic Ro

Ok, so I have an $800 gaming laptop but there's one problem. It doesn't have a disc drive. But I have a couple of dvd players and a blu-ray player lying around the house. I was wondering if I could somehow hook those up to my laptop via a usb cable or something else and use that to play some physical copies of games I have like GTA:SA or Zoo Tycoon. Any help is appreiciated. Also, I am trying this because I want to avoid going out to Best Buy or Walmart and buying a $30+ USB DVD Drive. Thank you in advance.
EDIT: I have a desktop computer that I don't use, is there a way to take the dvd r drive out of it and connect it to a laptop?


Standalone players cannot be adapted or modified to be used that way.

Even if it was possible, the extra electronic parts needed
would cost far more than $30.

On top of that, you would have to know what parts to use, how to connect them,
and how to write the necessary software to make it all function.

[Answer provided form the U.S. via Y!A Canada
to circumvent the new, unusable format.]

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How to transfer my old VHS home movies to DVD?

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best dvd player on windows 7 image


I can not afford a Vhs dvd recorder and I do not want to mail them away. I have a computer with windows 7 and a burner but I want to be able to play them on a regular TV dvd player. What is the easiest way with out paying a fortune to do this?

hello u need a good video capture deviceand a lot of time cause its very time consuming. u have to play them at real speed om the computer then they have too be converted too what format u choose and u need a good software!!!!!!!!!!!

How do I burn a DVD that will work on my DVD players?


I have no problem burning a DVD that will work on computers, but they do not seem to work in the DVD players on my TV sets. I am good at computers, but in no way a pro. Can someone explain to me how to do this in a way I can understand? I am using Windows 7 on a brand new Dell computer.

Because most normal DVD player only recognize the standard video DVD, don't recognize the data DVD(directly burn video files on disc), so you have to convert and burn your videos to standard video DVD, i am using rz dvd creator to do this well, it can create/burn standard video DVD from any videos, easy to use, you may have a try, hope it can help you.

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Monday, January 6, 2014

Why is my netflix live stream on my tv so pixelated?

best dvd players with wifi on Image for Volkswagen Polo/Jetta/T5 Auto DVD Player Built-In WIFI/3G ...
best dvd players with wifi image


Has anyone encountered this problem before? I just set up a dvd player with wifi and my netflix picture has been super crappy? I have a panasonic 15" plasma. Is this the internet connection, netflix or my tv's fault?

Wifi might not be getting a good signal

Difference between wifi ready dvd player and just network dvd player?


I see a few dvd players that are listed as "wifi ready" but wife adapter is not included, you have to buy one to connect to the wireless network. While the "network players" have ethernet port, so you can connect to wireless too if you buy an adapter.

So is there any difference at all? "Wife ready" vs "Ethernet port" dvd player?

WiFi ready more than likely means that there is an adapter available from the manufacturer, although it will be premium price compared to commodity adapters for computers.

You can use a Wireless-Ethernet bridge, such as a Netgear WNCE-2001, on any network ready Blu-Ray player with an Ethernet jack, although if you want to use online streaming, you should hard wire to your router if at all possible.

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Sunday, January 5, 2014

I'm wondering if a dvd that upconverts in HDMI will play movies in high definition?

best dvd player under 50 on GPX KCLD8887 Under-cabinet 8.1-inch LCD TV/ DVD Player (Refurbished ...
best dvd player under 50 image


Would I just be better off buying a hd dvd player? Want a surround sound system, but the only one I can afford ($350.00) says it upconverts in HDMI. Wondering what will the picture quality be like on my new Vizio 37" flat panel hd tv? Should I just go ahead and buy the hd dvd player and later buy an hd audio receiver with speakers?

in response to the last answer 720p and 1080i are considered true hd as well, infact in tvs under 50 inches you wont see a difference between 1080p and 720p unless youre within a few feet of the television. the blue ray is the only reason to go 1080p other then that most shows or sports broadcast via cable or satelite are filmed at 720p. but to answer your question the only way to get hd out of a dvd player is with and hd player or a blue ray

How do I price these items for a garage sale?


I am moving overseas and selling almost all my stuff. I don't expect to get a lt o money for small items, but I was wondering how I can price electronics and small appliances such as:
19'' TV (retail $98)
Sanio DVD player (retail $50)
Sony boombox (retail $60)
Microwave (retail $60)
Recliner chair (retail $300)
Panasonic bread maker (retail $120)
Cuisinart immersion blender (retail $30)
All stuff is relatively new, well-functioning and very clean. And how do I price appliances which retail under $20 (such as waffle iron, minichoper, hand mixer, blender)?
I have never been to a garage sale and have no idea what people pay for what.

I know it hurts to sell for so much less than you paid, but used is used even if only a short time. I'd put or expect to get $50 on the TV, $25-$30 on the DVD player and boombox, you'll be lucky to get $20 on the microwave and bread maker. $10-$15 on the blender, but think you'll really get $10 or under. You can get toasters new for $4 - $6 at garage sales as well as your other small stuff. Start off with it a little higher than what you really want, so you have room to bargain. If you price it $15, but would be happy with $10 then you can give them $5 off and they feel they got a bargain! Make sure to put out plenty of readable signs with arrows, nothing worse than trying to find a sale and you can hardly read the signs and get plenty of change! They will hit you with a bunch of $20 in the morning and then you'll run out. Never save an item for someone with out a deposit. They say they will come back, but rarly do unless they've left a deposit. Then you may miss selling it to someone else. Don't be surprised when you have it priced $5 and they offer you $1! Stick to your guns and don't give your stuff away unless you want to. Best wishes on your sale and move!!

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How can I conver my mpeg videos to play on my standard DVD player?

best dvd player on windows on Nero 7 Ultra Edition free download,Nero 7 Ultra Edition 7.10.1 free ...
best dvd player on windows image


I have a lightscribe dvd player and windows XP. was using nero software that translated it but now the subscription expired. nero wants $80 for the new version. is there free software to burn mpeg to dvd?


go here and investigate burning tools at The link is to the dvd software download page. Most of them will have trials then you'll have to buy but there may be a few free ones on the list. If you do a lot of internet downloading of video files etc... try Plato it works great. You can convert almost any video file from the internet into dvd quality... even streaming video... it's pretty amazing.

Is there a FREE DVD player out there for Windows XP?


I am looking to find a free DVD decoder/player for Windows XP that meets my computers specs (2.4Ghz Intel Pentium 4 processor, 2GB RAM). It there one thats free out there?

Go to Go to the downloads section and then Windows Media and download the Windows Media Player 11. It plays DVDs just fine.

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Can you please explain how to make this work step by step?

best dvd players for 2011 on ... DVD Player & 4-Head Hi-Fi VCR Combo � Sears � Black Friday 2011
best dvd players for 2011 image


I have downloaded a movie in avi format and I want to make it work in my dvd player. I copied the movie on to an empty dvd and when I try to play it in my dvd player it doesn't play it simple says 'loading' !!! What do I do?!

Your DVD player does not have the codec [Its a video language - just like people have various languages codecs are languages for video players. An each type of video in encoded in various codecs. Since AVI is a container (equivelent to a person) it can be coded with those various codecs. But DVDs have a strict restrictions on which codec can be read. Its better you convert the AVI to a DVD specific.
There are alot of free DVD convertors available.

I perfer downloading software from trusted websites which review them first.
Best options are

When downloading free software. Otherwise you don't know what your really getting. Just as future advice

How do i hook up my xbox to tv when tv has no red white and yellow cords?


The tv has no red white and yellow sport while i do have a vcr/dvd player with input and output

It's called HDMI
Get with the program it's 2011

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What is the best portable DVD player for a toddler?

best portable dvd players for cars on ... Electronics Audio & Video Portable CD & DVD Portable DVD Players
best portable dvd players for cars image

Heidi R

My son loves to use his portable DVD player in the car. He recently dropped his and it broke. I am wondering if there is one out there that is very durable, and can with stand the abuse of a toddler. Any suggestions would be GREAT!

I love this player for my toddler! It has a carry handle so she can easily carry it, and no flip screen to bust off. She's also dropped it a few times on wood floors, no damage!

What is the best recommend dual DVD portable player for car?


My husband and I are taking our kids to Disney in June, I was wondering we have been window shopping for portable DVD players for the car. Preferably a dual. But for some reason every dual dvd player that we have seen has terrible reviews from other people. Out of chance does anyone have or know of a great dual portable dvd player for the car that you can say works great and really recommend? Thanks in advance.

My wife and I are lalso taking the kids to Disney in June and I have been shopping for a dual dvd system. I know that as a norm, you get what you pay for but there has to be a decently priced sytem that has good ratings. Keep me updated please if make a decision and I will do the same.

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