Thursday, March 6, 2014

How to burn AVI to DVD on Ubuntu 10.04 for playback on my XVID DVD Player?

rusty rail

I Have a DVD Player That supports XVID playback (Phillips Dvd player 3942)
I recently switched to Ubuntu 10.04 Net-book and I can't seem to find the right settings to burn My AVI files to DVD properly.
It did work before when I had Windows Vista installed.
I have tried several different programs, including K3B and wasted a lot of DVDs.
I have looked on the Internet for help and no luck, I would really appreciate the help.

Follow this AVI to DVD burning tutorial, you may get help from it. look.

Is anyone else disappointed with Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) to the point of considering another Linux distro?

Tony Rave

I dare to say that Ubuntu 9.10 was more stable than 10.04!

I have a bug during the upgrade to 10.04 (I kidded you not!). Because of this problem alone, I have to reinstall Windows XP, then Ubuntu 8.04 to get everything back on track to reinstall 10.04.

Then a couple of days later, I became one of a few victims of a Linux-based computer virus that was located on a website through Wikipedia and Ubuntu 10.04 never recovered on my hard drive ever since. And to make matters worse, it also had a few negative effects on my DVD player.

I'm able to tell my story here because I reinstall Windows XP (again!). But because of my ordeal with Ubuntu, I'm really considering Linux Mint right about now. So what is you story with Lucid Lynx?

Linux Mint 9 is just as bad as it is built upon Ubuntu 10.04. It is the first Linux Mint release I have not liked since I started working with it in 2007 with Linux Mint 3.1 which was based on Ubuntu 7.04

I run Linux Mint 9 but with the Ubuntu 9.10 repositories instead and it works perfectly. Here is a tutorial of how I have achieved this

Begin with a standard installation of Linux Mint 8 and apply all updates

Linux Mint 8 Download

The Perfect Desktop - Linux Mint 8 (Helena)

What I have done is taken Linux Mint 8 and replaced helena (Linux Mint 8) with isadora (Linux Mint 9) repositories so the sources list looks like this

Open the Terminal

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

deb isadora upstream import main
deb karmic main restricted universe multiverse
deb karmic-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb karmic-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb karmic partner
deb karmic free non-free

Save and Close

Back in the Terminal

sudo apt-get update

Update the Mint packages using Synaptic NOT Mint Update

Apply all updates except for


So their you have it Linux Mint 9 running perfectly off the Ubuntu 9.10 repositories


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