Monday, January 27, 2014

Where can i get a FREE Disney World USA FREE DVD planning holiday sent to the UK for 2013/2014?

best dvd players 2013 uk on Warm Bodies and a portable DVD player | SciFiNow - The World's Best ...
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Hi, i am looking for a FREE Disney world in the US planning DVD that can be sent to the UK for 2013/2014

I would be most grateful if anyone could help

they are all region 1 .. so unless you have a Multi region player it won't work

EMP device instructions please?


iv'e got many electronic devices at home that i don't use anymore or are broken (a ps3, a dvd player, some controllers(tv/ps3), cellphones, camera's and microwaves or magnetron's). the idea is to make an EMP device for a project for school.

NOTE: this info will be used for further study of electronics and not for private use!

it doesn't have to be the biggest EMP device of all it just has to work! also it will be made just demonstrate to the audience what an EMP can do, as a target we'll be using a cellphone or calculator. therefore it means that the range doesn't need to be that big as well, i would like my spectators to come closer and see whitout having their phones jammed. if the info could be send via video or picture than that'd be great! and if it can be used again, than that would be a BONUS!
thank you for, reading i expect positive results.

Two basic problems with your approach:

1) you can't generate something that would classify as an EMP in this way. For an EMP, you'll need a very (_VERY_) fast change in an electromagnetic field. There is one method proven to work, which is a nuclear bomb. The other published, possibly only theoretical, method is the controlled explosive compression of a current carrying coil.

2) be glad that you can't. You won't be able to limit the range of your EMP - if you can be sure to destroy a phone at 1 foot, you can't be sure that it won't at least damage all (or at least some) other phones at 10 feet.


Edit: El Reg just ran a short article about the current state of the art - practically unchanged since 1990....:

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