Thursday, January 30, 2014

is there such thing as a dvd/vcr combo player WITH wifi?


and if so could you please tell me where i could buy one?

No. Such items are made to be cheap, so won't have beyond regular DVD playing, let alone WiFi.

What is the benefit of having a wifi blueray dvd player?


As I begin the process of buying a Blueray player, I'm confused over those that have wifi. I guess I don't know why a player needs an internet connection. Could someone fill me in on this?

1. the biggest reason why it would need an internet connection is if you bought it in hopes of streaming netflix/youtube/pandora radio etc. most people want a wireless connection because they do not want to deal with wires and running them etc, i would still recommend going wired especially if you are watching hd video since a wireless connection usually wont have the speeds necessary for hd video.

2. you can download apps to your smartphone ipod touch etc, so that you can use them as a remote, or to pass files from one source to another, example would be, if you wanted to look at the pictures in your phone on your tv you can do that through your bluray player.

3. this was the original reason why bluray players wanted/needed an internet connection, firmware updates, with bluray discs the way they are manufactured changes, they constantly improve the way its done to give you better performance, and with that you need to update the firmware so that it can continue to read all the new bluray movies out there. it just makes it easier being able to download the firmware directly to the machine vs having to download it to your pc and then burning it to a disc etc.

wifi isnt that necessary. but if you ever plan on going wifi then i would advise buying it with it built in versus buying the adaptor which costs more than the 2 combined. and usually 30-40 more. plus most retail stores have deals from the manufacture that will give away a free adaptor.

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