Sunday, June 22, 2014

Where can I find a case for portable dvd players to use in the car?

Mom of Thr

I don't want one that goes in between the seats as both of my kids have their own dvd play. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry meant to say they both have their own dvd players.

I don't have an answer specifically to your question - but I did want to mention - a 3lb DVD player, in a 20mph crash is like 60lbs of force crashing into your child's face. There have been many instances of people dying from head injury or internal bleeding due to a free laptop being projectiled into the air.

If you're set on having the DVD players in there, make sure they are installed in a way that they will not move in a crash, and also so they dont' interfere with any of the other passengers safety.

:) Safe travels.

recommend any portable dvd players?


i need a recommendation on a good quality portable dvd player. just a desk kind, does not need to be made for a car.

I have an Audiovox 7" Portable DVD but here's one with a 9" screen:

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