Sunday, June 22, 2014

charger for portable DVD player?

Patt D

I lost mine and i need it for tomorrow so i cant really order it online.. can i go to bestbuy or something and just buy one?? the thing says DV IN 9V, is there a "universal charger" that i can just buy?? thanks

It looks like you have a 9V DC DVD player. If you go to Radio Shack, or a similar electronics store, you should have no problems getting a universal power supply. The thing to check is that the power supply you get has the proper polarity and puts out enough amperage. The polarity for the plug is normally shown with a symbol similar to this "- C +" or "+ C -". The opening of the "C" is the polarity of the center pin of the connector. The DVD player probably draws about 2 Amps. It should say on the data plate, something like "2.3A" or "1800 mA". Get a supply that has a rating as high or higher than the rating on the player. If you take the player with you, any decent clerk at an electronics store should be able to help you.

charger for portable dvd player?

Patt D

I lost mine and i need it for tomorrow so i cant really order it online.. can i go to bestbuy or something and just buy one?? the thing says DV IN 9V, is there a "universal charger" that i can just buy?? thanks

You can buy any charger but it must have the same current and voltage rating which is very important otherwise ,getting the wrong charger might damage your dvd player or may not work properly. Also be sure that the plug is compatible to the socket of your unit.

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