Saturday, June 21, 2014

How to connect dvd player to wireless network?

ricky c

I have a sony dvd player in my living room. The dvd play only has hdmi and ethernet inputs and supports Netflix. I was wondering how to connect the dvd player to the wireless modem i have in the other room. I'm completely lost.

Your DVD Player doesn't have wireless capabilities, but supports a network connection. You have several options

1. Move your router
2. Move your DVD player
3. Run a long cable to the router
4. Buy yourself one of those wireless devices that'll give you a jack right there at the player
5. Set a laptop near the player & ad hoc the network
6. Wire your entire house with network (be sure to put a jack by the player)
7. Buy a wireless dvd player & sell the one you got
8. Setup an additional router as a repeater & set it next to your player
9. Scrap the idea all together, go get a roku or a ps3 to watch netflix
10. That's bout all I got right now.

DVD using network?


I have two computers. One with DVD-ROM and the other, without. Is it possbile to play DVD on the DVD-less one using networked DVD-ROM from the other computer?

Another option is to use DVD Decrytper to extract the individual files off of the DVD, and then play them in Media Player (either locally or over the network) This way one box can become a DVD server of sorts by storing multiple movies on the hard drive.

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