Friday, November 22, 2013

Can I download Netflix movies to multiple devices either at different times or the same time?

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If I have two DVD players and a Netflix $8.99/mo account,
Can I register both devices on my netflix acct?
If so, can I download a movie to both of them at the same time?
and If not at the same time, can I download at separate times?

Yes, you can stream at the same time into multiple devices, but you are limited by your bandwidth, so the quality will be worse.

Can I use my laptop to hook my dvd player to the internet?


Im would like to hook my Network Blu-Ray disk player that is eithernet ready but its not wifi ready`. Can I use my LapTop that is wifi to my dvd player to recive netflix on my tv?

ToTo raises an excellent point that I didn't even consider - sharing your Internet connection from your laptop with your BR player. It may be what you need.

You could get your BR player on your network by either using an Ethernet WIFI adapter or by using an Powerline Ethernet adapter/bridge.

With Powerline Ethernet you usually get two adapters. One adapter plugs into an A/C outlet near your player, and you connect the player's ethernet to the adapter. The other plugs into an A/C outlet near your WIFI router, and you plug another Ethernet cable into the second adapter from your router. Then the magic should happen - your BR player should appear on your network. I've used such adapters and they've performed well for me. I think they work well and are cheaper and easier to setup than WIFI adapters. but that's your other option.

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