Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What is the best recommend dual DVD portable player for car?

best portable dvd players kids on Best Kids Portable DVD Player | Best Kids Stuff
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My husband and I are taking our kids to Disney in June, I was wondering we have been window shopping for portable DVD players for the car. Preferably a dual. But for some reason every dual dvd player that we have seen has terrible reviews from other people. Out of chance does anyone have or know of a great dual portable dvd player for the car that you can say works great and really recommend? Thanks in advance.

My wife and I are lalso taking the kids to Disney in June and I have been shopping for a dual dvd system. I know that as a norm, you get what you pay for but there has to be a decently priced sytem that has good ratings. Keep me updated please if make a decision and I will do the same.

Can you take a portable DVD player on an airplane?


I will be taking a flight that will last about 2 1/2 hours, but my toddler is coming with me. I planned to bring her a portable DVD player and she can sit and watch cartoons to occupy the time she'll be sitting still for.

Yes, you can, I do the same thing for my toddler when we fly. Be aware that you will have to take the DVD player out of your carry-on at the security checkpoint and place it in a bin by itself to send through the x-ray machine. Once on the plane you can only have it on at cruising altitude; the flight attendants will make an announcement when electronics can be turned on, and another when they must be turned off.

Also, as a courtesy to the other passengers, please remember to bring headphones to be used with the DVD player. I have been on flights where several kids didn't have headphones, just had their DVD players blaring, and that is WAY more irritating, in my opinion, than a crying baby on a plane.

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