Thursday, November 21, 2013

Do all pioneer dvd players have a usb port at the back?

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best dvd players with usb port image


My pioneer dvd player does not have a usb port infront. Does it have at the back?

Just pull the head unit out and take a look. It's pretty easy... If it has an option for a USB mode then there has to be one in the back. Other than that there's really no way to tell

Can I connect my computer to my DVD player through its USB port?

Jan Richar

I was wondering if my computer will act like a USB drive if I plugged it directly (using a cable, of course...) to a DVD player that has a USB port on it. And for safety, will it short out/overload/whatstheworstthatcouldhappen?

well it can be and it can't, and ur pc has USB ports as entrances, not externals,and the most important thing, if u manage to connect them both, your dvd player has a slow processor, if u plug ur pc, imagine that he reads ur 500GB hard disk in a sec? so its better to put the files u need on a USB.

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