Saturday, March 8, 2014

Tv question?!? streaming netflix? (more info provided)?


I do not have an HD tv in my room its a regular tv. I was wondering if I bought one of those dvd players and can connect to the internet if I would be able to stream netflix? I also have wifi in my house.

Yes, if you buy a wifi capable Blu-ray you'll be able to stream Netflix to you CRT TV. Unless you need a blu-ray player, save your money and buy this Roku streaming player insteand of the Blu-ray:

All Roku's have analog A/V outs as well as HDMI to output to your tv.

I'm a huge proponent of Roku, mine saves me $60 a month on my cable bill

Are there any DVD players that can hook up to Netflix?


My sister told me about these DVD players that can connect to your wifi and even access Netflix. Is that so? Do you know of any? Links would be great :)


No. However most all Blu Ray players do. Look on the web. Just google "blu ray player".

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