Thursday, July 11, 2013

can you play a blu ray or an hd dvd on regular dvd player?

best dvd player blu ray on Blu-ray review: Tangled 3D - Blu-ray
best dvd player blu ray image


i can't afford another electronic device. will my sony dvd player play either or both of blu ray and dvd hd? i really need help here.

No, you can't play hd-dvd or blu-ray on a regular dvd player. You need a blu-ray player to play blu-ray discs and an hd-dvd player for hd-dvd discs.

Blu-ray players cost $300+ including the PS3, but they have the support from most electronics companies including: Samsung, Sharp, Sony, Pioneer, etc. They also have the exclusive studio backings of: Sony Pictures, MGM, Lionsgate, Warner Bros.(starting May 2008), and Disney.

HD-DVD players cost $150+. They are backed by Microsoft and Toshiba, and they have the exclusive backing of: Universal, and Paramount (but they are supported by Warner Bros. until May 2008).

But unless you have an HDTV, it will be no different than normal DVD's. So if you have a non-HDTV, don't waste your money buying hi-def discs and players that will mean no difference to you.

What happens when you try and play a blu-ray disc in a regular dvd player?


I bought a blu ray disc, and it came with a regular DVD copy. without even thinking, i just grabbed the first disc, and put it into my DVD player, and that disc happened to be the blu-ray version. now the back of the blu-ray disc has waves of color, and i dont know if i ruined it or not, does anyone know?

No, you didn't ruin it. DVD players are strictly read-only, meaning that they will not rewrite or damage anything on the disc under any circumstances, unless the DVD player catches on fire or spits the DVD across the room, shattering it against the wall (which will almost NEVER happen, mind you!). The "waves of color" are just part of the reflection from the disc. In short, if you put a Blu-ray DVD into a standard DVD player, absolutely NOTHING will happen.

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