Friday, July 19, 2013

Using two headphones on a portable DVD player?

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My kid wants to be able to have a friend listen to her portable DVD player with her but the player only has a place for one headphone. Is there anything available to plug in that will allow for 2 headphones at once? Some sort of expander gizmo? (Can you tell I don't talk technical???!)
Thanks for your help.

you can go to walmart and by an adapter that will let you go from one line to two it only cost about $10 if you can't find it in the electronics place ask someone and they can help you find it.

How do you connect a ps2 to a car dvd player?

I am going on a trip in my familys holden captiva which has a portable dvd player inbuilt and i was wondering how to connect my ps2 to the portable dvd player. I have heard that you need a power inverter that goes into the lighter, is this correct. And also what cords do you need to plug it into the actual dvd player? Thx if you could help.

That's just plain lazy parenting. depending on your kids ages plan stops at intervals so the kids can get out, play and stretch. that's better for them and for you.

I would like to add that this is what my family and from come some of my favorite trip memories. take the chance to really bond and have some fun as a family on the way to your destination not just once your there. your trip starts when you leave home not when you get to your destination

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