Thursday, November 14, 2013

How do I connect Netflix to my Samsung dvd blu ray dvd player?

best dvd players for netflix on Wireless Dvd Player For Netflix | DVD Player Review
best dvd players for netflix image


I already have a Netflix account and my samsung dvd player is connected to the internet. But Netflix doesn't appear on the samsung apps for me to download.. help.

You might try updating the firmware on your Samsung player to see if the Netflix app shows up. But if not - your player does not support Netflix.

Try the Western Digital TV Live box. It has 25 apps and the support is much better than bluRay based apps.

How do I get HULU on a Samsung DVD player?


I would like to be able to view HULU on my Samsung DVD player. I know how to get Netflix movies but I'm not sure what I need to do to be able to connect to HULU. Thank you.

If Hulu isn' t mentioned in your manual, then your dvd player doesn't offer that service.

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