Saturday, November 16, 2013

What Do I have to do to create a short animatic?

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So, I want to create an animatic for my best friend for her birthday. It's coming up in July, and I want it to be as good as possible. What programs do I need? Would a tablet be ABSOLUTELY necessary? Do I have to use Adobe Elements?

I plan to make this less than three minutes, possibly to a song. I have Windows 7 Movie Maker (saddening, I know...). I also hope to sketch them out on paper, scan them into my computer, and clean up the sketches a bit with Adobe Photoshop.

Thanks in advance!

If you're going to draw them and scan them into the computer, a tablet isn't necessary - if you're only using the sketches. If you plan on inking and painting them using Elements or any other program, a tablet is a must.

Most free or inexpensive animation software saves to swf files which are an absolute pain because they can't be used in any free or inexpensive video editing programs without being converted to a video file type and there aren't any good, free swf converters within a gazillion miles of earth. (I spent a lot of time last summer installing and trying swf converters and finally just used a trial of a commercial program - but since the trial ran out I have no way to convert my swf animations:-(

I watched a Painter webinar on the Corel website a few weeks ago and was surprised to learn that the artist presenting the demonstration was using a cheap-o tablet that I'd never heard of (I have 2 Wacoms). He really liked its responsiveness. It's one of the tablets from
There are a number of reviews of these tablets on YouTube. If I didn't already have my Wacoms, I'd get one of these just to see if they are as good as everyone says they are.

I'd make the sketches, scan them into Elements and clean them up, etc. Save them as jpgs. Load them into Movie Maker, speed them up until they looked close to what I imagine they should look like in my imagination, add music or narration, save the project then save the project as a video. Since you have Windows 7, in Movie Maker, you can Home tab>Save Movie>Burn DVD and use Windows Movie Maker to 1. Save a high quality video file of your project and 2. Burn it to a playable DVD that will play in any DVD player or on any computer that plays DVDs. If you don't want to burn a playable DVD, you can use the "Burn DVD" option to create the high quality video and then, when Windows Movie Maker opens just Cancel or close it.
Yes, it says it's for the Vista version but the Windows 7 version is the same.

Have fun making your friend's gift. The attitude you have while making it is the attitude that will be built into it have some fun with it.

how do i stop the import program from popping up in windows 7 every time i insert an SD card?

heavenly d

every time i insert my sd card it brings up this import program to import all of my photos onto the pc. how do i stop this from coming up in windows 7?
no not autoplay. sorry i did not specify my pc. its an HP, and HP photosmart always pops up whenever i insert my card. how can i stop it?

Are you talking about the "AutoPlay"? You need to be more specific. What is the name of the program? Did you install any software that came with your camera? Is that the program that is popping up?


I don't have an HP computer, so, I couldn't really tell you exactly what to do. But, here are a few things you can try:

(1) In the Start Menu, type "Autoplay", and click AutoPlay, which will be one of the search results. Near the bottom of the window that opened, click "Reset all defaults", and click "Save". I have a strong feeling that this will work. Here is what the settings look like on my computer: DVD movie - "Play DVD movie using Windows Media Player"; Software and games, Pictures, Video files, Audio files, and Mixed content - "Ask me every time"; the rest are set to "Choose a default". Yours may have "HP Photosmart" as the option. Insert your SD card, and see if that changes anything.

(2) If that doesn't work, open HP Photosmart and play around with the setting.

(3) Do this whether you have already fixed your problem or not! In the Start Menu, type "msconfig", click on it. Once it opens up, go to "Start up" tab. This allows you to disable programs that start up when Windows starts. Programs that start up when you turn on your computer tends to slow down the start up time. Unchecking them, and clicking OK will prevent them from starting up when Windows starts. Obviously, if you go to "All Programs", and click on HP Photosmart (when you want to) after Windows starts, it'll open up. That's what you really want. You can also uncheck things like, Adobe, Microsoft Office 2010, QuickTIme, Java, etc. If you don't know what they are, Google/Bing it, and see if they are safe to disable. Obviously, you need to leave Windows 7 Operating System, your video card driver, etc. alone, because you want those to start up.

(4) I am hoping option 1 will work out for you, but, if it doesn't, then you can just uninstall the damn program, if you don't use it. If the program came with your printer, then, you can aways just get the drivers without these additional software on the HP website.

(5) If none of the above works, and you really need the software, then, call HP and ask them.

If you are uninstalling software that normally comes with HP, because you don't use those, then, it's a good idea to use "CCleaner", and run a registry and disk clean once you are done. This will get rid of old registry entries and clear the temporary files from you system and keep it running fast.
You can download it from here: Here is a nice YouTube video showing you how to use this:

Also, if you are looking for a good, free anti-virus program, I recommend "Microsoft Security Essentials":

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