Sunday, February 9, 2014

Help! What is a multi-region dvd player?!?


Okay, so for Christmas I am asking for a Korean movie called "Attack on the Pin-up Boys" starring the Korean boy band, Super Junior.
I'm looking on Ebay to find the best deal and package and stuff but then I see it says things like,
"multi-region dvd player required!"
I don't really understand what that means.
I live in the USA, is there a special kind of dvd player that I need to get for it to work? How do I know it's a multi-region dvd player?
I would appreciate help very much! I don't want to buy the dvd and find out that it won't work on my dvd player.
Also -- how do I know if it's a region 1 dvd or multi-region?
will it say it on the box of the dvd player or directly on it?
is it going to say it plain out like, "Region 1 dvd player"
or is it weird coding?

i have that movie i suggest buying it from since its asia central for k-pop and others and it you want to buy other suju stuff since over $40 is free shipping and over $50 you get a $5 coupon.

you can watch it on your computer if you can't find a multi region dvd player.

north america dvd players are region 1.

since that movie is korean, it's region 3.

japan uses region 2.

on your computer though, you can only change the regions 5 times and the fifth time, whatever region it is, it gets stuck in that region.

you have to get a dvd that can play any region.

if you want to buy a new dvd for the movie, just look up all region dvd player and buy one.

otherwise you can watch it on your computer if you plan on only watching korean dvds on your computer.

Are xbox's multi region dvd players?


Just wondering because I'm buying some dvds but its telling me I need a north american or multi region dvd player?


Nope. 360s are region dependent just like most dvd players.

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