Monday, February 10, 2014

I burned some pictures on a DVD-R but my DVD players won't play them?


I burned some pictures of my elderly mother on a DVD-R but neither of my DVD players won't play them. What did I do wrong?

either your machine didn't format the disc properly, youdidn't finalise the disc after burning, orit's just that your players won't play those discs, could be any of the three. not all discs will play on all players

Have a 40" westinghouse tv with built-in DVD player but remote has HDMI button- what's it for?


This TV is viewed by a bed-ridden elderly woman who uses the remote, but doesn't know what the HDMI button is for. Shortly she'll be using a laptop computer from her bed and is a 25' cable ok to connect it?

The HDMI button is to select the HDMI input on your TV. HDMI is High Definition (HD). So, if she is using any HD device, she can select that to watch whatever is plugged into the HDMI input on the TV. It will only show it in HD if the device has HD, like a HD DVD player, HD Video Game System, or if your cable has HD, stuff like that. It can also play stuff that doesn't use HD too.

As for the laptop cable, I'm not sure what you're asking there. Do you mean an ethernet cord (cord to connects the computer to the internet)? If so, then sure, it doesn't matter how long the cord is, only that it reaches the laptop.

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