Thursday, March 13, 2014

If I buy a multi-region DVD player in Australia can I watch region 1 DVDs on it?

Crazy Cupc

Australia is region 4, USA and Canada are region 1, I want to buy some TV series on DVD which are 10x cheaper in region 1 format, if I spend $30 on a multi-region DVD player will I be able to watch region 1 DVDs on it? I assume it should work since it's called a multi-region DVD player but I can totally imagine that after I buy one I'll find out it doesn't bloody work or something.

More than likely such a player will ignore region altogether, and convert the video format on the disc to your TV format.

The only real issue is getting US based DVD vendors to ship to Australia at all.

Multi Region Philips DVD Player? Help?

Jillian d

I have a Philips DVD Video player and I'm from Australia and I just bought a region 2 DVD (I know my laptop can play it) and I was wondering is this DVD player a multi region, (meaning it can play all regions) and if so can you just put the DVD in and press play and it will work or do I have to get a code somewhere to make it work? Can anyone tell me, or help me? That would be great if someone can help me, thanks!



Hi there Jillo,
What is the model number of your player?
I need that to help you ; )
As a rule that I have found, most big name players are not multi region, you are better off buying a "throw away" player. This seems to be one of the rare times when cheaper is better.
Hope this was helpful.

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