Thursday, March 13, 2014

What do I want for Christmas 2011?


I have no idea what i want for Christmas!!

Some ideas

~Clothes from your favorite stores (any of these):
-T Shirts
-Polo Shirt
-Long Sleve Shirt
-Tank Top
~Blue Ray Player
~Itunes Gift Card
~Video Camera
~Cell Phone
~Gym Membership
~Magazine Subscription
~Posters for your room
~Tickets to a concert
~Hair Straightener
~Curling Iron
~Blow Dryer
~TV for room
~Game System
~Games For Your Game System
~Nail Polish
~Jump Rope
~Stainless Steel Water Bottle
~Jewelry Box
~Arts and Craft kit
~Board Games
~A Pet
~Roller Blades
~Cell Phone Case
~Fan for room
~Gift Basket
~Board Game
~Chess Board

What should i ask for christmas 2011?


Hey, I'm Christa and i'm 13 and a girl i don't know what to ask for christmas and my mom keeps asking me to make a list i already have a Cell Phone. Ds(i never use it ) . Wii and laptop(broke) what could i ask for that is really good and worth my time and my parents money and something ill enjoy

Some ideas

~Clothes from your favorite stores (any of these):
-T Shirts
-Polo Shirt
-Long Sleve Shirt
-Tank Top
~Blue Ray Player
~Itunes Gift Card
~Video Camera
~Gym Membership
~Magazine Subscription
~Posters for your room
~Tickets to a concert
~Hair Straightener
~Curling Iron
~Blow Dryer
~TV for room
~Cell Phone
~Game System
~Games For Your Game System
~Nail Polish
~Jump Rope
~Stainless Steel Water Bottle
~Jewelry Box
~Arts and Craft kit
~Board Games
~A Pet
~Roller Blades

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