Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My cousin wants to know if he can play football manger 2012 on a DVD player?


And I don't mean on a pc/computer he means a proper DVD player on it's own?

No. He can't. DVD players are capable of playing Video Media DVD's and maybe CD's. He can play it on a PC if its gaming capable.

what is better as a dvd player xbox or playstation 2?

Q. actually the xbox dvd remote i can buy it now on ebay brand new for $5.30

Why PS2, why not PS3. It's a way better console, better games, and plays Blu-Ray movies. Ok it may be a little more expensive but it will be worth it in the end.
Between the end of this year and 2012 they will be switching of ALL tv channels for analog TV's and the only way you will get a signal is if you have a tv with a HD tuner.

this link is from the UK, but i've seen articles from the US and from where i live in Australia about Analog signals been turned of.

also DVD's and DVD players will cease to exist, Blu-Ray will do what dvd's did to tapes.

In the short run it's probably a lot to waste in your eyes.
But in the long run it's going to be your only option.
Until Xbox installs Blu-Ray players and buys shares from Sony over it.

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