Saturday, October 12, 2013

How to prevent the DVD player remote to stop interfering with TV?

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I bought a dvd player and connected it to a TV. The player is placed just a shelf below the TV in a cabinet. The problem is when I use the DVD player's remote, it causes some function to execute in the TV. Say I press the fwd button on the DVD remote it causes the TV to shut power off.

How can this problem be resolved of interfering remote control?

I would suggest buying a good Universal Remote, and program it to run both devices. That way, you can press a button to designate which device you wish to operate. If you need code numbers for your TV or DVD, post the question on this forum and some kind person will try to help. Hope this was helpful. P.S. Make sure we know the make of TV & DVD.

Should I buy a 720p dvd player to go with a 720p lcd tv or will my 420p dvd player work?


The quality of the picture is pretty important to me.

Also, I've heard that most lcd tvs can convert a 420p signal to a 720p.
Is this the same thing as buying a 720p dvd player?

By 720p dvd player I guess you are talking about a blu ray. A blu ray will look much better than a standard dvd disk. HD tvs do convert any signal they receive to their native resolution, but if you send your tv a 480 dvd pic, it will just convert a poor signal to a large screen. A blu ray will send you a full 720 lines of resolution and look much clearer. It can send a 1080p signal, but with a 720p tv, that's all you will see, 720p. Still an excellent pic.

Use HDMI or red/green/blue component cables to connect blu ray to your tv.

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