Thursday, January 9, 2014

Can I bring my kid's gameboy & portable dvd player on a flight from the USA to Mexico?

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Are there any guidelines regarding bringing & using a gameboy & portable dvd player on a flight. Probably not using the dvd player just for transportation but definitely using the gameboy.

Thank you.

Yes but you can't use them on take-off and landing. Easier if you pack them before boarding and bring them out once in the air.

You didn't say the age of the child but make sure s/he is used to wearing the headphones and understands to keep them on for watching the movie. You might want to bring an extra set. Same goes with the gameboy. They make annoying noises so please make it clear to him or her that the sound is to be kept turned down while onboard. Special rule just for the flight!

Electronics can be lifesavers when flying with kids but please make sure they're juiced up and/or bring extra batteries. It's such a bummer for the kid when those gizmos run out and there's still a lot of the flight left. Usually you can't recharge them onboard.

As an extra tip, bring a brand new movie and/or new game and present them once you pull them out of the bag onboard.

For more tips on flying, I have a totally non-commercial article on the subject, originally written for an expat publication. Feel free to check it out.

Have a great flight!

What is the best recommend dual DVD portable player for car?


My husband and I are taking our kids to Disney in June, I was wondering we have been window shopping for portable DVD players for the car. Preferably a dual. But for some reason every dual dvd player that we have seen has terrible reviews from other people. Out of chance does anyone have or know of a great dual portable dvd player for the car that you can say works great and really recommend? Thanks in advance.

My wife and I are lalso taking the kids to Disney in June and I have been shopping for a dual dvd system. I know that as a norm, you get what you pay for but there has to be a decently priced sytem that has good ratings. Keep me updated please if make a decision and I will do the same.

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