Friday, January 10, 2014

What are some things kids can do on a 24 hour road trip?

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Q. I am moving from PA to TX and I have 3 girls, ages 8, 5, & 3.
I have them a portable DVD player to watch movies on all the way there, but I need suggestions on some other things to get for them to keep them busy.

Go to the dollar store and get gifts for them each. Wrap them up. Give them one each every 1-2 hours but don't say when they'll get them bexause if you say you can have something at 3pm and they're throwing a tantrum then it won't work.

Stop every 3 hours to stretch legs even if nobody needs the loo.

Bring snacks like trail mix and raisins.

Play CDs of kids songs or stories

Give them each a notebook called "(their name)'s moving house" and let them use it how they want it can be used as a diary, scribble pad, etc

Print out a map of your journey for them each even if they don't use it it can be nice to know vaguely where you're going especially for the 8 year old.

Remember travel sickness tablets so they can read/draw/etc without getting sick

Bring pillows or headrests and their teddies so they can sleep

Suggest the older ones write letters to their friends (real or imaginary) telling them about the journey

Play I-spy with colours or shapes - "I spy something green" or "I spy something that's shaped like a triangle"

Word searches and colouring books

Kids joke book or book of useless facts

Nappies/diapers or pull up pants if needed, or if just potty trained

Any tips for traveling with a 2 year old?

Amy Y

We are about to take our first long trip with our soon to be 2 year old. She doesn't do well with even short trips in the car. It is a 9 hour drive, but we have decided to stop overnight half way, so it doesn't overwhelm her. Traveling at night is not an option either. Any ideas on stuff to keep her busy & in a good mood? We did buy a portable DVD player, but I'm sure that will only keep her busy for about an hr or so. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated, as I am extremely nervous.

3. Wireless childrens headphones if you can afford it to prevent safe driving for you and entertainment and something "new" for the little one.
4. A very good spill proof cup, preferably the one with the snack bowl attached
5. Practice and skill in selective hearing.
6. Pull ups- accidents happen.

Sometimes there will be screaming. You will be on the road. It might come at the time when you are on the Highway. Pay no attention to it, block it out, focus on the road. Screaming does not exist until you are off.

You may get luckily and she will most likely sleep most of the way. Most kids do. Even on the train my son slept most of the time.

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