Monday, January 6, 2014

Why is my netflix live stream on my tv so pixelated?

best dvd players with wifi on Image for Volkswagen Polo/Jetta/T5 Auto DVD Player Built-In WIFI/3G ...
best dvd players with wifi image


Has anyone encountered this problem before? I just set up a dvd player with wifi and my netflix picture has been super crappy? I have a panasonic 15" plasma. Is this the internet connection, netflix or my tv's fault?

Wifi might not be getting a good signal

Difference between wifi ready dvd player and just network dvd player?


I see a few dvd players that are listed as "wifi ready" but wife adapter is not included, you have to buy one to connect to the wireless network. While the "network players" have ethernet port, so you can connect to wireless too if you buy an adapter.

So is there any difference at all? "Wife ready" vs "Ethernet port" dvd player?

WiFi ready more than likely means that there is an adapter available from the manufacturer, although it will be premium price compared to commodity adapters for computers.

You can use a Wireless-Ethernet bridge, such as a Netgear WNCE-2001, on any network ready Blu-Ray player with an Ethernet jack, although if you want to use online streaming, you should hard wire to your router if at all possible.

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