Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What other Dvd apps can i download for my Mac Os X 10.6.8?

Q. So i stupidly deleted my original dvd player app that originally was in my macbook laptop becuase the region changer had been locked, i have tried to download VLC and others but none worked, any good Dvd player apps that i can instlall for free?
VLC successfully downloaded and installed etc, so i put in a disc dropped it in the box where it said drop media in here in the VLC window and it came up with a yellow triangle beside the title of the disc, i tried another disc and it did the same thing, could u help me?

Why would VLC not work? Works for me!

Oh and check out your nearest Mac User Group!

Oh cause it's the drive that's locked not the player!

Well like I said it's the drive that has the region changer and has been locked! So the drive is useless for playing DVD movies!

Maybe the drive can be reset. If not you'll have to get another DVD drive!
How'd it get changed 5 times to get to that point?

Am I missing something? I swear there was nothing about ripping. Wants a DVD player!

Like I said it's not the software it's the hardware. Once the limit on the region is done then the drive is locked!

New drive or some way to reset it!

Please help - DVD Creator 4 Mac OS X??...?

Mr X

I'm Not too sure what exactly it is that i need, but i need to burn three movie files to a disk, that can play in a dvd player, or on other laptops.

I would like a menu if possible, where i can pick the which of the 3 videos i want to watch...

Free software is preferable - PLEASE HELP ME!!

Thanks - X

If your talking about an Apple computer that has an original DVD burner inside, read on. If now, resubmit your question and explain what type of PC you have, and what type of burner. All Apple computers that came with a DVD burner from Apple also have all the software you need to combine movie clips from a camcorder, create chapters, create a menu, and burn the DVD.

Did these movie files come from your camcorder? If you got them from some other source related to Windows, they may be in AVI format, which means you need to download and install Perian to enable your Mac software to play AVI files. After that, open iMovie, import the clips, combine them, add chapter markers, and click the "Create iDVD project" button. That will launch iDVD to finish making the menu, and to burn the project to a blank disc.

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