Thursday, August 22, 2013

Portable DVD Player Question?

best twin mobile dvd players on Portable DVD player - Boring journeys banished - Pictures - Motoring ...
best twin mobile dvd players image


Does this player connect to a tv to serve as a dvd player or is it only portable?

Help appreciated thanks

The features list indicates "AV and Headphone Jacks, Plus AV Cable" so it should have everything you need.
I would look at the manufacturer's site to be sure of what it offers.

Airplane trip with 3 toddlers!! YIKES! HELP PLEASE!?


In about 2 weeks I am planning to take my toddlers (early 3 year old twin boys and a 4 year old girl) on a plane trip to Universal Studios. I am SUPER NERVOUS about them flying on the plane and semi nervous about the amusement park and hotel. Does anyone have any toddler travel tips?? My girl will probably be okay but my boys are still in tantrum mode. Is there a way that they can all be contained on the plane?

I have one word for you......


or an ipod with video function...or a laptop on which you can play dvds.
I have only one child, but have done many long international flights (and all my friends travel with their small kids)....and the dvd player has been a life-saver.
This is in addition to a little bag each with small toys. A small colouring book with crayons or coloured pencils.....and the great success for the 21/2-31/2 age....a sticker book with reusable stickers (do NOT get stickers that you cannot remove in case they stick them around the plane)....a magic drawing board (my dollar store has small ones)...
Bring snacks that take a lot of concentration to eat....cherios, raisins etc.....maybe a selection of small bags of snacks. If you can order child meals make sure you do....the childrens meals arrive first. Find out how much liquid you can bring and use that for juice....a great calming my expereince the flight attendants brought juice pretty quickly too!
Also make sure that you get on the plane last (even though small children can board first) want them to be able to expend as much energy as possible BEFORE they get on the plane. I always waited near the gate until they announced final call (if there is an empty gate lounge nearby they can use it to play hide and seek until the last minute).
Also check out the airport website (if they have one)..... some big airports have kids play rooms.
Don`t expect help from ANYONE....even the flight attendants!
So visualise how you will carry everything. I got my little girl a wheely bag when she was just turned 3 and she loves wheeling it herself (with her toys/activites inside). You can do this with your little girl.....but only you know if that will work with your boys (maybe small backpacks might be better)

Get to the airport with plenty of time to the planes taking off then let them run off energy before getting on the plane.

I wish you so much luck. In my experience the mobile baby days were more difficult than the toddler/preschooler days......but I have a friend with twins (now 4 yo) and I have watched them wind each other I can totally understand your panic. Luckily this age is more easily entertained than the 1-2 age group.

You will survive!!!!

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