Sunday, September 29, 2013

is a smart tv worth it if I already have a smart dvd player?

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best dvd players with wifi image


I'm on the verge of buying a new HDTV. I already have a "smart" DVD player (wifi access, netflix, etc.). I'm unhappy with the kind of fidelity I get over that link. is there any reason I could expect better from a Smart TV?

A DVD player is a standard def device. That is why you have poor video.

Look into a small device called a "Media Server". My personal favorite is the Western Digital TV Live but a lot of people love the new Roku 3 box's. These both sell for $99.

You use HDMI to hook these up (so you in theory can get 1080 video) but these box's get updates every few weeks to play computer video files or improve the 'channels' and features. Smart BluRay players - get updates perhaps every 6 months or so. The "smart" features are kind of a "add-on" and not the main goal of disk players so rarely see improvements.

The one exception is if you are considering the higher end Samsungs with the "Smart Hub" feature. This got a great review in last Feb Home Theater magazine. They run the streaming video through the televisions internal up-conversion circuits and this produced a better image than the reviewers Roku box would for Netflix and Hulu. Samsung .. seems to have done things right with their system. I have never heard anything positive about Vizio, Panasonic, Sony or even Sharp 'smart' features.

I own a network Panasonic blu ray player - it works but the 8 apps are ... basic.

I have the WD TV Live box and it plays nearly every video file I throw at it, it works streaming from my PC, from a USB flash drive or a USB hard drive. (smart disk players and HDTV's tend to NOT work with HDD drives).

I recently got a Samsung 6300 with the Smart Hub and it does work pretty well, but I have not done an exhaustive playing around with it yet.

For the moment - the external media servers are my recommendation.

Why is my netflix live stream on my tv so pixelated?


Has anyone encountered this problem before? I just set up a dvd player with wifi and my netflix picture has been super crappy? I have a panasonic 15" plasma. Is this the internet connection, netflix or my tv's fault?

Wifi might not be getting a good signal

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