Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Any1 recommend a brilliant software that can play Blu Ray discs on Mac?

best dvd player software 2011 on History Of Science: Modern Development Of The Chemical And Biologcal ...
best dvd player software 2011 image


Planning to play some blu rays on my new Mac pro 2011 desktop(not macbook pro or macbook) and need a good software that can do the job perfectly?
did i need any hardware upgrades to my mac pro or it will sweetly play those blu-ray DVD's??
plz help!

Does the Mac have a blueray disc player? If not you will need to have one fitted. Normally if the machine comes with the player fitted it will also have the software loaded.

What video game system should I get?


This is going to sound really weird but out of Nintendo, Playstation, and Microsoft, which one is going to stay popular the longest? I am starting to hold off the idea of purchasing a Nintendo Wii due to the fact it almost seems like a nice secondary system to have. Not so much like when it was just N64 and Playstation. Any good ideas? Specs would also be nice.

PS3 Is free online play and a blu-ray player and the past has proven it's more "durable" meaning not to many problems such as red ring of death

Xbox 360 has a better online system and thats all i know that is better about it.

Wii is more about game play and has alot of family and mini game type games.

Units sold50 million (as of March 29, 2011)[2]
Blu-ray Disc (PlayStation 3 game disc)
Compact Disc
PlayStation game disc
PlayStation 2 game disc (1st & 2nd generations only)
Super Audio CD (1st & 2nd generations only)
Digital distribution
Operating systemXrossMediaBar
System software version 3.60
(March 10, 2011; 44 days ago)[3]
CPU3.2 GHz Cell Broadband Engine with 1 PPE & 7 SPEs
Storage capacity2.5-inch SATA hard drive
(20 GB, 40 GB, 60 GB, 80 GB, 120 GB, 160 GB, 250 GB, or 320 GB included) (upgradeable)
Memory256 MB system and 256 MB video
Video output formats[show]
Graphics550 MHz NVIDIA/SCEI RSX 'Reality Synthesizer'

XBOX360: Units soldWorldwide: 50 million (as of January 6, 2011)[3] (details)
DVD, Compact Disc, Download
Add-on: HD DVD (discontinued)
CPU3.2 GHz PowerPC Tri-Core Xenon
Storage capacity
Storage mediums[show]
Memory512 MB of GDDR3 RAM clocked at 700 MHz
Video output formats[show]
Graphics500 MHz ATI Xenos
Analog stereo
Dolby Digital 5.1 (TOSLINK and HDMI)
Dolby Digital with WMA pro (TOSLINK and HDMI)

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