Monday, May 12, 2014

PS3 as a blu ray player or OppoBDB-83?


These have been the highest rating blu ray players, which would you suggest I get. I already have a Wii and an Xbox 360 so getting a PS3 would be pretty nerdy. Give me your opinions and help me choose.
Cheers buds.

They are really two quite different devices aimed at different target audiences. You need to consider which fits your needs best.

The PS3 has been highly recommended as a Blu-ray player because in the first couple of years of Blu-ray it was the most cost effective option. However, stand alone Blu-ray disk (BD) players have started to change the equation. The Oppo BDP-83 is arguably the best BD player on the market, and certainly the best for the price IF you value video quality of both DVDs and BDs, and the ability to play CDs, SACD, DVD-A etc in one "universal" player.

On the other hand, if you want to play games, as well as CDs, SACDs, DVDs and BDs (at lower quality than the Oppo), and have a basic home media player the PS3 is the choice.

If all you want is to play audio and video disks and get the best sound and video the PS3 is a poor choice. It uses 6X as much electricity as most stand alone players, is a mediocre DVD upscaler (an important consideration for those with DVD collections), has styling that doesn't fit into anyone's HT system and requires a specialized remote (e.g. it's not compatible with most universal remotes). On the positive Sony have supported the PS3 with frequent firmware updates, something not all BD player manufacturers have done (That said Oppo have an excellent track record in this regard too).

On the other hand the Oppo is both more expensive and less flexible, while an excellent universal disk player it is best suited to those who value it's capacity to generate top notch video and audio suitable for audiophiles and videophiles.

Personally, I'd buy the Oppo over a PS3 in a heartbeat ... but I have no interest in games, and if I want a media player I'll buy one. However, the PS3 offers more capability for the $$ so depending on your priorities you must choose.

Hope that helps.

what blue ray dvd players can you use for netflix, for ten points?


what blue ray player is the best one for use on netflx hook up to your tv?

Will you use the Blu-ray player to also watch Blu-ray discs, or are you only interested in streaming Netflix?

The reason I ask is that you can buy a Roku Netflix streaming device for $70. It won't play discs, but it's a cheap way to be able to use the Netflix streaming service.

Now if you will also be watching Blu-ray discs (such as ones mailed to you as part of your Netflix contract), then I would concentrate instead on players that have good reviews in that aspect, and then see what the reviews say about the streaming Netflix service for that player. A buggy player with slow disc loading times would discourage you from wanting to use it as a Blu-ray player.

Keep in mind that your internet connection speed can affect both the quality of your Netflix streaming service and it's picture quality, and the best device out there can't overcome a problem like that.

Here are some top rated Blu-ray players: . Click the review link for one in your budget then read if streaming is offered for it and if they tested it. Not all players have built-in Wi-Fi, so keep that in mind if it will be needed.

Netflix also list various types of compatible devices here: . Scroll down that page to "Internet Connected Blu-Ray Players".

And here is an old, but interesting review of different types of Netflix devices, that included the Roku: .

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