Tuesday, May 13, 2014

What's the best portable DVD player for kids?

Ryan F

Definitely buy a DvD player with the Sony brand name.

Should I buy a portable DVD player or laptop to entertain my kids for vacation travel?


I would like something that plays DVDs, but not sure if it's worth it to instead purchase a laptop with DVD playing capability. That way we can use it for the internet, and games as well.

I would suggest the laptop because you can do a lot with it. It will cost way more than just a portable DVD player. Also, keep in mind that portable DVD players will run much longer oin a charge. Most laptops won't even play a full DVD before dying on battery power.

If you are looking to go cheap and keeps the kids quiet, get a portable DVD player. A headphone splitter will allow them both to listen and you don't have too. Also, there is very little support or troubleshooting needed when using a basic device like this.

If you have money to burn, get a laptop for em, but it will never run tat long on one battery while spinning the DVD, lighting the screen, running the processor, etc... You will also be opening up a can of worms as far as protecting your children from the internet..

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