Monday, August 12, 2013

Choppy Playback with Windows Media Center and Player?

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HELP! I am trying to rip my entire dvd collection to my computer for use with the Windows Media Center. I have ripped two movies so far, one with .wtv format and one with mp4 format. Both play perfectly with VLC player but are extremely choppy with WMC/WMP. I have updated my driver's on my dual video cards already. I have checked/changed every setting I can find in both Catalyst control center and windows media player to no avail. Please help!
I am running Win 7 64 bit, 16gb of memory, two AMD Radeon HD 7800 series video cards and a i7-3820 3.6Ghz processor.


Update your Windows Media Player, directX and the sound driver. You can use RadarSYnc to automatically update the drivers in your computer. However, it might not work with Media Player and DirectX.

I hope this helps!


What is the best computer with the following specifications?


1. Windows 7 (64 bit) Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate, or Enterprise edition (recommended), Windows XP Professional (SP3), or Windows XP Professional x64 (SP2)

2. Intel Pentium 4, 2GHz or faster; Intel Xeon, Intel Core, AMD Athlon 64, or AMD Opteron or later processor.

3. 2 GB Ram (Does it have to be 2 GB or can it be a 4 GB, would that be better?)

4. Microsoft Direct3D 10 Recommended or Direct 3D 9 capable graphics card

5. DVD-ROM drive

6. 1,280 x 1,024 or higher screen resolution

7. Internet connection for wed downloads and Subscription Aware Access

8. Adobe Flash Player 10

9. Microsoft Mouse-compliant pointing device

10. Internet Explorer 6.x through 8 (IE sucks, I'll download Chrome)

11. Excel 2003 through 2010 for iFeatures, iParts, iAssemblies, thread customization, and spreadsheet-driven designs.

12. Microsoft Net Framework 4.0
I should have said laptop, not computer, that was my fault. But I need a laptop for college with those specifications.

Dell Inspiron 660 Desktop Computer

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