Thursday, August 15, 2013

Where can i download the movie "let the right one in" with the english subtitle on it?

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I downloaded the one without the subtitle so i couldn't understand a thing. No torrent sites pls. coz our pc is broken so i just download movies at the internet cafe via flash drive and play it in my dvd player. I hope someone can give me a direct link. Thanks.


Need help transferring a vid from a MacBook Pro to a Windows comp!?


I have a video that was made on a MacBook Pro that I need on a DVD. The Mac computer did not have the software to burn a DVD. I saved the file to my flash drive. I have a windows 7 computer. Would iTunes work in this case? Help!

For OS 10.8.4 and Windows 7 / 8 and MP4, just copy to a thumb drive that is formatted FAT-32.
Windows Media Player version 12 can play modern, non-MS video.

All MacBook Pros have the software to burn data to a DVD.

For burning a DVD movie disc (with menus and chapters, and playable in a DVD set-top player), if your MacBook Pro is 2011 or newer, you have two options....
â Buy iLife '11 DVD from Amazon, and install iDVD from it.
â Get the free DVD Styler, link below.


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