Thursday, August 1, 2013

choppy or no DVD playback on ubuntu 10.10?

best dvd player ubuntu 11.04 on Best DVD Creator
best dvd player ubuntu 11.04 image

Kaya Arban

it's been bugging me for a while because when i want to watch a DVD from my HDMI on my desktop i cant do it because the playback is either null, or VERY choppy on VLC media player. ubuntu 11.04 on my other laptops do it too.

how can i fix this?

PC spec:
AMD PhenomIIX2 3.1 GHz (quad unlocked)
3gb RAM
AMD radeon HD 4550 512mb with native HDMI (not through any adapters) plugged in, or VGA
38GB of free space on the ubuntu partition (i extend it by 10 GB once i reach 30GB)
Sony DVD RW not sure of it's speed but i use this drive to install games.

laptops are less than a quater of the spec (except hard drive and RAM).
thanks if an ubuntu guru can come along and help out with this.

Ubuntu Restricted Formats DVD Playback and Troubleshooting

Ubuntu Restricted Formats Multimedia Documentation


Ubuntu Does not Work?

Q. I downloaded Ubuntu 11.04, and I tried to use it through a USB. It would start, claim that it would load, do the weird Jingle then continue and freeze. It worked on my dad's other computer, but not on mine.

Then, I used a CD. It worked on my dad's computers AGAIN, yet when I tried it got to the part where it said "Try" or "Install", I pressed Try, and it froze, with the cursor going around and around endlessly. I think I have a problem with my Graphics Card. What should I do???

System Information:
Intel Core 2 Duo P8600 2.4 GHZ
Windows Vista 32 Bit (My Processor is 64 Bit Compatible too)
ATI Radeon 3400 HD Series (I do not use my computer for gaming...) 256 MB Dedicated RAM
HD Screen Resolution 1600x900
CD + DVD Player + Blue-Ray Player too
Sony Vaio FW180D

What should I do? Where can I update my graphics card if that is the problem? Thanks in advance.

Yeah, I think Ubuntu tests the graphics card at one point, because when i first tried to install Ubuntu on my old computer, it wouldn't work. The problem wasn't in the card not being supported, in was in that half of the card's capacitors were blown (no wonder Windows XP had been especially slow...)

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