Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Can I get an external Blu Ray player for my Mac?

best dvd player app on Blue Ray Dvd Player | DVD Player Review
best dvd player app image


I also want to know if I can play it using my DVD player app.

You can get an external Blu-Ray player, but Apple does not support Blu-Ray yet, so you will need to use 3rd Part software - the player will probably have one bundled, or you can get Roxio Toast with HD plug-in.
You can check one of the MAC retailers - like

How to burn a cd/dvd to play on a home dvd player.?


I have been trying to burn a home movie and I can not seem to get any thing to play on my home dvd player that I burn.Is just lke maling a audio cd you just burn a video dv or dvd or is there some kind of special formatt.I did this before and messed up or somethig.So could some one tell me the step by step and the right formatt's?
I did convert it or save it as mpg2 and I got nothing the best I have ever gotten tit to do is a short spot of what I burnt.But I have never done the vs_video thig I do not really understand that.So there is more than just burning the right format on the dvd?

vob format .. which is composed of mpeg2 in a certain resolution, bitrate, and sound format .... usually what you have with a home video is either mpeg2 or avi in the cams native format ... it could be simple if its already in mpeg2 all u need to do is author it ... you could use nero, which i personally dont like, or some other dvd authoring app ... if its in avi you will need to convert it to dvd mpeg2 first .... you may need a codec on ur machine to decode it properly like watever came with the software package with ur cam or u can get a directshow filter like ffdshow ... then use a converting app and editing tools like tmpgenc, winavi, and virtualdub ... with what i mentioned you can convert and manipulate just about any video into a dvd ... the end format after it goes through a dvd authoring app is vob ... and dvd puts those vob files into a folder named "video_ts" and theres usually an "audio_ts" as wel thats usualy empty but include it anyway ... so in the end you will burn the two folders to a dvd as data and close the session ... thats how it will look on the disks .. two folders with the vobs' and ifos' in the video_ts folder ..

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