Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Babies/Kids and DVD players in the car?

Q. When my son turns a year and can face forward in the car, we were thinking of getting a DVD player installed. Do you think they are helpful in keeping kids occupied on long trips or a waste of money? Thanks.

I LOVE my DVD players.

I take my kids to daycare before work and pick them up after work. It give me 15-20 minutes of quiet before and after work that I absolutely need. Otherwise, it's "I want my window down! I want it up! I am cold! I am hot! What's that outside?!"

Plus their grandparents are 4 hours away. 2-3 movies later and we're there. Other than that, they get VERY antsy. They complain and want out! Every time we visit, we get 2 movies at target (less than $4.) It's worth it.

Your one year old may be too little for tv but definitely by two, your child will recognize Elmo and Barney! We've got a ton of them and they watched them over and over again. Elmo is nice b/c the actual show is really short and has lots of babies in it.

Plus my kids fall asleep quickly in the car. If we're out and about and they're getting cranky in the car, I'll turn it on. They'll be focused on it for 10 minutes and then I'll look back and they'll be sleeping.

And NO my kids aren't zombies. When we're home they don't watch any tv. They can go the whole day without tv. They would rather play with their blocks or color. Only when i want to get some bills done does the tv come on. Gives them a bit distraction so I can do chores.

And NO I don't feel as though they're missing out looking outside. I choose to have the DVD on. But some days I don't. Definitely I turn it off if they're acting up. Before our destination, I'll turn it off so they know to we're close and I don't let them finish their show when we stop.

Anyway, when we're on a long trip, my husband or myself will hop in back and we'll watch our own movie while the kids are sleeping.

We tried attaching the playstation to it but it's really nauseating.

We have two kids and got our DVD players at Sam's Club. They can both watch the same movie or watch two different movies. By hitting one button, their movies can switch screens without taking out the DVDs.

i wouldn't recommend getting a car/van with a DVD installed. Not recommended by Consumer Reports. For the price of installation, you can get two DVDs. Plus if it breaks, you don't have to send your car to the dealer. It's not hard to hit the play button. I just reach my arm around and hit the biggest button which is play. My four year old can reach the buttons on hers and doesn't need my help anyway.

What factors should I consider for a Car DVD player?

Do you have any suggestion on what factors should I consider to get a Car Head unit? What's the importance? Thanks!

The first thing you have to think about is where to buy the automotive DVD or component from. You could buy it from a bricks and mortar car audio store, which should be able to fit you with the system you need. You could also buy it on the internet from a Car DVD Players wholesaler, a source which often provides discount car DVD players for lower prices. However, there are still some key questions you will need to ask.

Will I get all the components I need?

There is nothing worse than paying good money for a car dvd player, going to install it and finding you still need to buy the speakers, TV tuners, TV antennas, wires, brackets or other components before it can be installed. After all, what is the point of buying an in dash car TV DVD player if you don't get the tuner or aerial to make it work.

Who will install it?

This depends on where the car DVD player is being purchased. If purchased from a bricks and mortar store then it should be offered by the vendor as electronic goods cost more at stores than they do online.

Can I connect my USB devices or flash memory cards to the player?

More music and data you want shown in vehicles is stored on computers and USB and an increasing number of car DVDs have a plug-in function. These USB ports can also be a useful point to install Bluetooth cellular car phone kits.

What formats does it support?

Will it support MP3s or MPEGs? What about AVI files? If you are choosing a system that will accept USBs and flash memory cards it is always good to check that the system will accept the format of programs you store most often on flash.

What region DVD's does this player accept?

DVD's are becoming increasingly multi-regional but that doesn't necessarily mean that every car DVD player will play every DVD. It is always a good idea to check which region of DVDs you are actually to make sure your dvd player car audio in dash unit is compatible with your collection.

How big is the screen?

The cost of LCD screens have come down a lot in last 12 months, as seen by Panasonic's 150-inch LCD screen showcased at this year's Consumer Electronics Show, which cost the same as the 109 inch screen the company put on display at the show the previous year. As a result, in dash car TV DVD players with 6.5 and 7 inch screens are considered to be the norm, and should be extremely affordable.

It's got a screen, but is it a touch screen?

We all know what a touch screen is, it is one of the things that has made the iPod such a big hit globally. Touch screens are becoming increasingly common and automotive dvds with touch screens should not be astronomically priced. After all, there is nothing worse than hunting for a tiny knob when trying to change music whilst on the road.

Considering the functions you would like the Car TV DVD player to perform and finding out several pieces of pertinent information are essential if you want to get a good car DVD system that suits your needs.

There should be more factors to consider, such as the interfaces, the addtional Bluetooth, Ipod entertainment, the warrenty of the unit, etc, etc. It all based on your needs. As far as I konw, you can get different Car DVd player in Eonon, with 2 year of warrenty, it's really a good place for car stereo fans to hunt! Good luck!

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