Friday, June 6, 2014

BluRay DVD players versus digital video players?

Rob C

My wife and I are thinking of buying a BluRay DVD player because we enjoy watching at least one movie per week on our HDTV. However, a friend of mine suggested that BluRay players aren't worth the investment now because the rental industry is trending towards digital distribution of movies. He suggested to to hold off and instead buy a cheaper digital video player ($100.00) from Netflix or Amazon in 6 months or so when HD digital movie distribution by Amazon and Netflix is expanded.

Any opinions from BluRay or digital video player users?

I'm pretty much a cheap bastard and if a $300 - 500 BluRay is past its prime or will be in three years or less I might as well buy a $100 digital video player and use the savings on rentals.

Some Blu-Ray players from LG and Samsung already do streaming Netflix HD if you have a fast enough internet connection (3.5 Mbps). Or you can stream Netflix though your PC, or purchase a separate device for about $100 to connect to your TV.

That is streaming video (not downloaded video like Blockbuster), so you can stop or resume at any time (even days later). The disadvantage is that backing up to review something does not quite work the same as a real disk (you can jump back a chapter, but not go in reverse), and streaming video does not have the extras that would be on a disk. Quality is excellent unless your internet connection is not quite fast enough, which could degrade the resolution.

Other brands do YouTube and will do Amazon when that becomes available.

I don't have cable or satellite, so I like the streaming video if I am out of fresh mail rental disks and there is nothing on broadcast TV but junk programs and infomercials. However, real Blu-Ray disks are best.

do you have to buy the HDMI cable if you are purchasing a DVD player?


The cord needed to hook DVD player to TV will be included correct?

Do you have a HDTV? If so - you want to buy a BluRay player and not a standard def DVD player.

The prices are so low on BluRay players - it is just not worth buying a DVD player. And many of the BluRay players include things like NetFlix.

Many disk players will include some throw-away cables to get you going but these are usually not HD capable.

For a budget but decent cable go to Amazon and search for the "Media Bridge" brand.

Hope this helps.

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