Saturday, June 21, 2014

Buying a portable dvd player?


I want to buy one as a present for my husband for when he flys on business (which is often) but I don't want to spend loads on it at all. What is a good deal and what do I need to look for in a portable dvd player? What features should it have and what size should it be etc.

When shopping for a portable DVD player, keep in mind how you will be using the device. For example, if you plan to use a portable solely in the car to keep the kids occupied on long road trips, then the screen size and the inclusion of an AC adapter, which will allow you to power the player via your vehicle's power outlet, are more important than the unit's weight or the life expectancy of the battery. Conversely, if you are buying a portable DVD player to take with you on long flights, look for a lightweight model with plenty of battery life. If you usually travel with a spouse or colleague, or if you have two kids, opt for a model with dual headphone jacks and a larger screen size so two people can comfortably enjoy a movie while sitting next to each other.

Toshiba 7" Widescreen Portable DVD Player

Where can I find a case for portable dvd players to use in the car?

Mom of Thr

I don't want one that goes in between the seats as both of my kids have their own dvd play. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry meant to say they both have their own dvd players.

I don't have an answer specifically to your question - but I did want to mention - a 3lb DVD player, in a 20mph crash is like 60lbs of force crashing into your child's face. There have been many instances of people dying from head injury or internal bleeding due to a free laptop being projectiled into the air.

If you're set on having the DVD players in there, make sure they are installed in a way that they will not move in a crash, and also so they dont' interfere with any of the other passengers safety.

:) Safe travels.

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