Friday, June 20, 2014

Region free dvd player...?

The Dude

I just bought an imported dvd and now I need a region free dvd player for my TV. Know where I can buy one around the Los Angeles area?

you wont be able to fine a region free dvd player in any local store, but you can buy it online for very low prices. Here is good place where i got mine from, i got it in 3 days, and it was free shipping. And the dvd player works perfectly plays all region, code free, and the quality is great. Here is the one i got.

But if you dont need a HD 1080P up convert dvd player, then they also have this one,

I would definetly recommend this place for region free dvd players, their shipping is fast and they customer service is great.

Where Can I buy a Region Free DVD Player?


Is there a store that sells them? Or do I just need to order it online?
Can anyone help me and tell me where to find one? Preferably one that's not too expensive. Are there Region Free portable DVD players?

There's a pretty good selection on amazon:

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