Saturday, August 10, 2013

What is the best portable DVD player to buy?

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I am going to buy a portable DVD player here before July, but I need some help decided which are the best. I don't care about the cost. I want the best for my money.

Well if you are looking for a portable DVD player the best recommendation I can give you is to look at a few review sites.

What are things to look for when buying a DVD player?


It seems like all DVD players are virtually the same, so I was wondering if anyone could tell me what are the distinguishing differences.

What are differing qualities to look for when buying a DVD player? Why choose one over another?

Most manufacturer have stopped producing stand alone DVD players, due to the new blu ray disc player will also play the DVD. What you want to look for is quality and dependability of the brand. Pioneer and Panasonic are the top brand for quality and dependability. My first DVD player when it first came out was a Sony, model 7000 and 7700 which cost me over $1,100 but they did not last more than 3 years. My Pioneer Elite DVD player is now over 20 years old and still running strong. My Panasonic blu ray disc player the first generation model BD-10 which is 4 years old has had no problem playing over 300 movies. Keep in mind, you get what you pay for. Go online to home theater magazine and read the reviews on players. Panasonic has had a player each year being recommended as one of the best entry level. Hope this will help you out.

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