Monday, February 3, 2014

Handbrake DVD help for windows 7 64 bit?


I just downloaded handbrake to my computer for windows 7 64 bit. However, when I try to rip a DVD, the finished product is multicolored and glitchy. How do I fix it?

try using dvd shrink or another alternate dvd ripper, or perhaps the dvd your attempting to pirate is protected by some sort of DRM that is preventing you from grabbing the data. :)

I know when I attempted to rip some db-gt once it wasnt possible, and i had to use a external player to physically play the dvd and then encode it from my tv capture card. but this is possibly not an option for you.

try with some different software.

best video player for windows 7 ultimate 64 bit?


@agree with samuel adam...
vlc media player is good one with support various files.....

then Power DvD is another good video player.....which can play most videos...with high picture quality and digital sounds....
while playing 3d movie you can convert the screen in power dvd in just one click....if your desktop support 3d...

i have both....

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