Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What is the best deal for a HD DVD player?


We have been using our playstation 2 to play dvds on for some time now and would like to get a dvd player. We thought since we are buying one we might as well buy one that is for HD dvds as well as that seems to be the way things are going, can anyone help with finding a good deal? They seem quite expensive!! Thank you :)

I wouldn't get an HD DVD player. I'd get a Blu-Ray player or wait for a hybrid that plays both. HD DVD players are becoming less common and appear to be going down the path as Beta.

How much are you looking to spend?

I play Blu-Ray's on my PS3.

what is the deal with HD dvd players and hi-defintion DVDs?


As a counterpoint to the previous responder's answer, I'd like to point out the following to further enlighten you and balance out his biased response:

- HD-DVD players are more affordable. The lower-tier consoles cost $400-$500, while the upper-tier consoles (which DO offer 1080p) start at $800. By comparison, Blu-Ray consoles start at $1000, and while the $500-$600 PS3 has a built-in Blu-Ray player, good luck finding one in the next few months.

- HD-DVD consoles are already in their second generation, having worked out more kinks and refined their technology, while Blu-Ray is having trouble even getting their first generation of devices out.

- There are more HD-DVD titles currently out, and they consistently sell more than Blu-Ray discs. (

- Sony's having a bad public relations year right now--"rootkits" in their CDs that make PC's vulnerable to viruses, computer batteries that explode, the UMD format flopping, the PSP having lackluster sales, and all the delays and difficulties that are plaguing Blu-Ray in its debut (Sony itself hasn't even managed to release its own Blu-Ray player yet; the only Blu-Ray player available in stores right at this moment is by Samsung) threaten to make Blu-Ray the next Betamax.

- HD-DVD also has support from Microsoft, which is selling an external HD-DVD add-on to its XBox 360. That means, for the 7 million plus (10 million by the end of the year) *current* XBox 360 owners, they can get a $200 high-definition player.

- "Shootouts" comparing the movies that have been released in both formats keep declaring HD-DVD the winner in picture quality, despite Blu-Ray's potential for larger capacity (note that most commercially-released HD-DVD's are dual-layer 30GB's, while most Blu-Rays right now are single-layer 25GB discs, which means the whole "larger capacity" thing isn't holding true anyway).

- 1080i/p is NOT an issue. If you're watching on a 720p/1080i HDTV set, you'll have to set your Blu-Ray player down to 1080i anyway, and if you're watching on a 1080p HDTV set, the set will convert the 1080i signal from an HD-DVD player to 1080p with no ill effects.

In short, while it's too early to call a victor in this "format war," right now HD-DVD has the upper hand.

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