Wednesday, May 7, 2014

How to change bad looking subtitles on DVD I create?


I've been working on some subtitles for a project I was in.
The subtitles look fine when I use VLC media player with the video + srt files.
I want to burn this project to a DVD but when I create the ISO file and check how the subtitles look, after adding them as an option with the DVD creating software I use (DVD Styler, but this happened with other softwares as well) the subtitles look very bad. I tried changing the font but it didn't help.

Here are examples of what happens -

BTW - the default font on both VLC and my DVD creating software for subtitles are Arial.

(not interested in buying special fonts)

Subtitles on a dvd are actually bitmap images, not text. They're not part of the video either so the mpeg-2 compression doesn't affect them. Sometimes the conversion process from text to images just doesn't come out very good.

You could try making a test dvd ("just generate" to your hard drive, don't make an actual disc) with lots of short videos and just try different settings for the subtitle appearance. Font (including bolding), size, outline thickness, shadow and whatever other options are available can affect the quality. Don't forget to save the project so you can go back and see which settings looked good.
This would be a good question to ask at DVD Styler's forum (or other dvd authoring software) so someone who's already gone through all that can give you a recommendation. and are other good places to ask for advice.
(results from both these sites come up if you google: best font for dvd subtitles )

Evil Dead Steelbook 2013?


I really want to get the new evil dead movie on steelbook but it is only available in bluray. I don't have a bluray player. Should I just buy it and wait til I get one? It just get the dvd?! I'm pretty sure the steelbook doesn't come with a dvd

No, the "Evil Dead" Steelbook is only for Blu-Ray, it doesn't come for DVD. I'd just suggest getting a Blu-Ray player, especially if your a fan of films, Blu-Ray plays the best quality picture and sound for a film, that's the reason I buy Blu-Ray's, but if you don't have a HD TV, the Blu-Ray player won't play the quality, It never for me, but when I got a HD TV, it started playing the films in 1080p quality. I was thinking of getting the Steelbook, but I haven't seen it or the original and plus i'm not 18, so I wouldn't be able to buy it. Glad if I helped.

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