Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What rights do you have when you swap online?

Katy W

I swapped an xbox360 for a portable DVD player I sent the xbox first it arrived fine then the DVD player arrived and it doesnt work at all. I emailled the seller but they refuse to swap back. What rights do I have if any to get my property back? PLEASE HELP
me and the swapper are both in the UK.

you realize portable dvd players can be bought for like under 100 bucks right? O_O

also, you have no rights....as far as Im concerned deal in money values and through a site that uses pay pal next time

sucks you got screwed..but at least you learned.

What are some electronics under $100?

I Give Ans

People are asking what I want for Christmas so any ideas?? I have an ipod, D.S., xbox360, wii, cell phone, camera, video camera??

you know those portable dvd players for like long road trips you might be able to get one of those for under 100$

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