Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What would be a good DVD player download


I'd like to know what would be a good DVD player download with a good Codec package included?

DVD has been around long enough that most of the software players available are pretty good. Theatertek has a pretty large group of devoted users in the home theater PC department, as does Power DVD and WinDVD.

Since you ask about a good codec pack, I'm assuming that you're also wanting to use the player to view other file formats like .AVI and .MP4. Power DVD, WinDVD, and Nero Showtime (bundled with the Nero Burning Suite) all come to mind as solid commercial packages. If your price range is more on the free side (these days, whose isn't?), my advice would be to download the Community Codec Pack and install it; this way, you'll be able to watch pretty much anything you want right on Windows Media Player--or on any of the provided media players in that package.

Community Codec Pack:

Linux users can normally take their pick from whatever their distribution supports, and there's normally an interface to aid in finding them already on the operating system.

Linux Fedora DVD player...Someone please save me an extra 4 hours!!?


Newbie to linux Operating Systems and decided to try Fedora which was superb at compatibility issues that I was getting in Windows- I didn't have to do anything. The only prob I have is playing DVD's now, I understand there is licensing issues with Fedora and the DVD patents in some places but can someone just tell me the easiest way to click on a link download the app and start using a dvd player?

I have tried sooo many and its driving me mad, for over 4 hours :(
Any help would be muchhh appreciated


Install VLC the DVD player and the file libdvdcss. Once installed you should be able to play DVDs, even the ones you rent or buy. Use the software management program in Fedora to do this.

If it is not in the repository list, then type in the web search VLC .rpm and then libdvdcss .rpm . Ferora uses .rpm files and should install these.

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