Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Why won't my camcorder DVD work in my DVD player or laptop?

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I bought a DVD camcorder and it plays 31/2 disc. When I am done using the camcorder I can play it back in my camcorder to view, but I can't seem to view it in my DVD player or laptop. I tried a couple of different disc so I know it is not the disc. A little help here please.

Your camcorder probably uses DVD-RAM discs, which most laptops and DVD player's do not support.

You can either buy a DVD player that supports DVD-RAM, or you can buy DVD +/- R Discs for your camcorder. If you use a +/- r you will need to finalize it before you can watch it on your DVD player. When you do this it's locked forever and you can't edit or change it.

What are good Christmas presents for someone headed to Boot Camp in January 2007?


My brother-in-law is shipping off to Boot Camp in January, and my wife and I are wondering what sort of things he is allowed to bring. Books? Portable dvd player? Laptop? Any ideas and suggestions would be helpful!

Not many personal items are ALLOWED in Boot Camp, definitely NOT DVD players & Ipods.

They are confiscated during the term then returned to the person as they depart for school.
Instead, put together a care-package.
Small items such as fingernail clippers, stamps for writing letters, a couple of decent cheap writing pens that will not leak and do not have caps that you will lose, baby powder for feet and for that rash that WILL show up, heavy duty healing ointment like Aquaphor for dried cracked skin, Ben Gay is a must, disposable lighters (they are not used for smoking either), large package of Q-tips (helps in rifle cleaning among other things), a small portable shoe shine kit with Kiwi Boot Black (black boots are still used in training), small sewing kit like you use with camping gear, some acne medication (everyone breaks out due to all the dirt and sweating), a couple of unscented antiperspirants, plain writing tablet with plain envelopes, a couple of small notebooks, a black, brown, or olive green waterproof watch with a net band, and a Pre-Paid calling card!

I know it doesn't sound like much but you have no idea how much those things will be appreciated if you don't have those things with you. Save your portable DVD players & Ipods for their graduation presents from Boot Camp where they will actually be able to enjoy them.

Also, 3/4 small laminated waterproof photos of friends & family is nice to have.

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