Wednesday, May 28, 2014

how to burn hd video to dvd for playback on hd dvd player without losing quality?


now i have a dvd movie with a size for 4.3 gb and i also have a bluray rip with the same size.the blurayrip is obviously much clearer in i know that i can burn this video as data dvd and play easily on a bluray player or ps3 and even my pc.but i have neither bluray nor ps3.i have an hd dvd player which is from sony and it supports 1080 please dont tel me that it just upscales sd video for looking better on hd tv.the fact is whenever i ask this question to people in yahoo answers,they just give me vague answers without even reading my question clearly and trying to understandwhat im asking this question for the 20th time.plz give me a proper answer considering the number of times ive asked this.the answer that most of the people give me is that if u wanna play this on an sd dvd its not possible then just switch to bluray or ps3 but none of them seem to read the part where ive mentioned "i have an hd dvd player and not sd dvd player".sd dvds consists of video_ts folders right?so my questions start here
1.ive read on some forum which talked about hd dvd authoring tools,but it was only for mac,and sadly this hd dvd authoring concept is not discussed anywhere,ive googled day and night ,not able to find an this particular forum they talked about making HDDVD_TS folder.
so my doubt is, is hddvd_ts folder a format that can be recognized by hd dvd players or is it only for pc,ps3, not askin abt sd dvd.i know that video_ts will be recognized by dvd players,that why i asked whether this could be recognized too?
2.since the bluray rip that i have is just 4.3 gb and since its clearer than its dvd counterpart, would be more interested in burning this to the dvd instead of the retail dvd version.
so is itt possible to burn this with any special dvd authoring program that will do so without losing quality.
3.if any authoring program has to do this successfully without losing quality,will it have to build the dvd in a video_ts folder or hddvd_ts folder?

finally there is one very imp thing i forgot to mention.if there are any of u out there telling that these hd dvd players dont support hd and only hd upscaling then ive got to tell u somethin.whenever i used to go to electronic stores,i used to see guys pop in dvds into their dvd players and display on the big plasmas,lcd,led tvs.and the quality was so damn high.then some people told me that it works only on bluray or streaming media players,i was left doubtful.
then i decided to ask an uncle of mine for a sony hd dvd demo disc coz he had a lot of these things with him.then he brought me a sony race demo cd.i popped this dvd into my sony dvd player and connected i to my bravia tv via hdmi cable.but the picture looked sure 1080p,i had no doubt,even the frame rate was so damn high.the video was crystal clear just like the demo i saw in the stores.this dvd was not a data dvd and was burned as a dvd.because there was a menu same like a to confirm i put this dvd into my lappy and opened the dvd folder and went to the video files,right clicked and chose media info from the context menu and wallah,the dimensions were 1920x1080 and sound was dts 5.1.
give me an explanation of how this worked then?

Which conversions you may need to do will depend on what disk and file formats your HD-DVD player supports. So, what model number is it? Did you try to find a copy of the manual?

Keep in mind, you're not going to be burning any new HD-DVD disks. There's no way for you to do that.

So, I suspect you'll get the best results by burning your higher quality H.264 files to regular DVD-R data disks (assuming the player supports video playback off DVD-R data disks).

Does the HD-DVD player have a USB port?

Where do I find a quality dvd player?


I have an old (13+ years) old DVD player that is on it's way out the door. It's made by Samsung, and has a lot of features. However, I have bought 2 DVD players since them (from Wal-mart), and both of them have already stopped working.

I want to buy one Black Friday when I can get a deal, but don't know what to buy - another Samsung? Where do I get a quality DVD player with a few extra features? I have an older TV, so I'm not switching to Blue-Ray yet, but would be okay with a combo.

Buy the major Japanese or Korean brands.

Mind you, they are practically out of straight DVD players now, and are making Blu-Ray players, which there is no reason not to get now. All Blu-ray payers are backward compatible to DVD and audio CD.

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