Thursday, May 29, 2014

Windows 8 Customization?


I just got the Lenovo Yoga Ideapad and was wondering if the start menu is customizable. I would like to add a photo for the background or just a different design. Also, I see that when watching a movie, it makes me watch it in media center NOT windows media player (i dont like it.)


The start screen has a number of backgrounds to choose from but you can't add your own by default.

Thankfully someone has stepped up to the challenge and created a program to do the job.

Windows 8 doesn't have movie DVD playback by default. You can buy a separate DVD playback program or you can download VLC. I suggest VLC, it's free.

- Dominic

No dvd audio in Windows media player or DVD / CD roms?

HI, i have had this problem for a long time now and cannot fix it. I have no audio with any movie dvds in windows media player 11 AND no audio with CD-Roms or games. I have this problem with only windows media player which i can solve by downloading another media player BUT i do not have sound with any CD's or DVDs. Also i can hear movies that i have downloaded from the internet they work fine with audio. Its just mainly CDs or DVDs that have no audio with windows media player 11. Also i cannot hear game sounds aswell. Please help!

Ive downloaded a number of codecs from solutions Ive tried to use from the internet and nothing has changed :(.
And Fug-azi I opened up my computer and i think the cable might be the problem, as there is a cable loose just like the one you posted but i do not know where to insert it to on the motherboard. There is a possible socket which i insnerted it into and when i tried to start my computer it wouldnt start :/.

You need the audio cable fitted from the back of the DVD/CD player to the socket on the motherboard. For games, movies etc that reside on your hard drive the cable is not required as it is included in the stream, on a CD or DVD the audio is in a seperate stream.

the cable looks like this,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1280&bih=826&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=275075529642459024&sa=X&ei=4DdBTtv-EZGLhQek4si5CQ&ved=0CKIBEPMCMAA


You need to get hold of the technical manual for your system, once you have it look for the picture of the motherboard layout, on it should be a socket labelled AUDIO, that is where you need to plug it into.

If you post your system maker and model I'll try to find the manual for you.

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