Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My PC DVD player doesn't work...?


I have Windows Media player 10, but I cna't play DVDs in my computer...(I think it may have been connected to when I uninstalled Interactual DVD player) If it is, where can I get it again?

Many times, the DVD software is licensed with the hardware.
If the software is still installed but you removed the DVD player, and installed a different player, the software may not work.
If this is the case, reinstall the older DVD drive along with the newer DVD. If the software detects the old drive hardware in the system, the software should work.
You will have to set the master/slave jumpers properly to get two drives to work on the same cable. One must be set to master, and be at the end of the bus, the other must be set to slave.
If only one drive is in the system, set the jumper to CS cable select. If you get it wrong, the computer may not boot, but will not result in damage.

PC HD vs HD upscaling DVD player?



I have a 8800GTS graphics card (HD) connected to my HD TV using a DVI to HDMI cable. I also have a HD upscaling DVD player connected using HDMI. Would there be any difference in the playback quality of the DVD? Do I still need the DVD player?

Sound quality is better though the PC.

It depends. Which one gives the better output picture. Older models of upscaling DVD player tend to give poorer upscaling results than newer models, but this is not always the case. In your eyes, which gives the better picture? Remember that you can upgrade the computers decoding software to get a better picture.

As the PC sound quality is better, unless the output picture is noticeably poorer, I would use the PC for upscaled DVD output, unless you have a need to quickly load and play a DVD (For instance if the PC takes a while to boot up).

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