Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sony RDR-VX555 Tunerless DVD Recorder/VHS Combo Player?


i cannot locate any reviews on this product. i need to buy a sony to be compatible with my parents recorder/dvd player so we can exchange dvd's but i am concerned from review of previous sony models that you cannot record stations such as HBO, Cinemax, Starz, etc due to copyright restrictions, the only drawback to sony. i'm hoping someone has this player and can comment on it's features and restrictions. thanks

Yeah Sony product is very annoying in this one, I'm still remember when they player won't support MP3 because of copy protection issue. But we can't blame them since Sony own most of movie production in Hollywood and some recording company.
My suggestion please go with other brand.

what do I do if my dvd/vhs combo player doesn't have an RF connection?


what do I do if my dvd/vhs combo player doesn't have an RF connection?
i really want to be able to record my tv shows onto a dvd, and be able to watch tv.

You didn't give us much to work with here.

If there's no RF connectors of any kind than the only way to connect it to the TV would be using A/V connections (probably a yellow/red/white connection type).

If it can record at all (it may only be a player) than there might also be a similar input on it with those same connectors. You would have to get the source from a cable, satellite or other video source with those same connectors to record anything.

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